Alive or Undead?
Well, what shall I say? There is a new Piepmatz release and it should bring back Twitter to your favorite Sailfish OS device at least for now. This is due to the interesting situation that the native OS Twitter feed is still working and that Jolla was so kind to provide an API for the credentials - Twitter is even mentioned in the sample code.
With the update and if everything is OK on your device, you will be asked to re-authenticate with Twitter and the authenticated app will be "Jolla" (the same as if you registered the Twitter feed in the events view). After you entered the generated PIN in Piepmatz, the app should run as before.
I have no idea if this works for everybody or how long it will keep working. But if everything fails and the situation is again as described in the last status update, you'll have at least the chance to inject own Twitter API credentials via libsailfishkeyprovider if you are so bold to get a license for Twitter API v1.1 access.
So is Piepmatz alive or undead? I don't know actually. I just wish you a lot of fun with the newest release - if and as long as it works for you!
Say hello to Piepmatz, a Twitter client for Sailfish OS!
Piepmatz supports all the features of Twitter that you need to stay up-to-date. Your personal timeline, notifications, media etc. - coming with a lot of eye-candy!
- Personal Twitter Timeline in chronological order
- Notifications for new followers, retweets and mentions
- Search (for tweets and users)
- Profile Pages
- Complete display of extended tweets
- Embedded tweets
- Multi-picture support, incl. pinch-to-zoom
- Embedded and fullscreen video/animated GIF playback
- Download media option
- Link preview powered by Open Graph (e.g. for Instagram, Facebook, news sites etc.)
- Direct messages (up to 10.000 characters)
- Details view for tweet
- Limited thread support
- @-mentioning support in new tweets
- Geocode your tweets
- Show trending topics in your area
- Twitter lists support
- Multiple accounts support
On a device with a physical keyboard you have the following shortcuts:
- Generic
- Up/down: scroll
- Page up/down: scroll faster
- t/b: Scroll to top / bottom
- Left/Esc: Back
- Only on main screen:
- 1-6: Switch tabs (timeline, notifications, search etc.)
- n: New tweet
- r: Refresh
- s: Settings
- a: About
- On tweet details view:
- Return/Enter: Display thread
Open Source and Contribution
Feedback about Piepmatz is always appreciated (good, bad, improvement/feature ideas etc.).
You can contribute with a translation, a new feature or even a bugfix. The sources are on GitHub at https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-piepmatz. Please acknowledge the GNU GPLv3 before contributing/forking. Thanks to all new and especially to the existing contributors!
- Optionally use Sailfish built-in Twitter API keys
- Detect additional content that can't be retrieved via Twitter API (long tweets, multiple videos, edited tweets etc.), integrate Sailfish WebView to show details for such tweets
- Fix thread support
- Add removable media permission to SailJail profile
- Emoji 14.0 support
- Adjustments to SFOS 4.4 - SailJail profile, configuration migration
- Open-with support now includes m.twitter.com and mobile.twitter.com
- Enhanced open-with support, only coming up with twitter.com links from now
- Fix: Normal URLs couldn't be opened anymore with the browser on SFOS 4.2
- Initial support for Emoji 13.1 (some issues though) - e.g. face in clouds, face with spiral eyes, bearded people etc.
- Removed Twitter configuration retrieval (API deprecated, caused error message at startup)
- Removed obsolete openssl/libcrypto dependency
- Updated translations for Chinese and Polish (thanks to dashinfantry and atlochowski)
- A glimmer of hope for threads without developer mode (acting as search engine bot - they still seem to get an HTML view for tweets)
- That also brings back Open Graph previews for tweets :)
- Updated translations for Chinese and Polish (thanks to dashinfantry and atlochowski)
- Migrated Twitter thread support to developer mode, using rate-limited Twitter API v2, users need own Bearer token from the Twitter Developer Portal to make it work
- Fix escaped ampersand in URLs, removed QML bug workaround as no longer reproducible, thanks to fuchsmich for reporting that!
- Fix crash in case of unsupported HTML charset. Kudos to Lukáš Karas!
- Support for Emoji 13.0 - e.g. Dodo, pinched fingers, fondue and much more (hey, it's World Emoji Day today!)
- Changed Twitter ToS and privacy policy links in about screen - API was broken
- Changed profile button icon
- Fix tweet thread support (let's see how long it will last ;))
- Force white play button for videos - needed in light ambiences
- Emoji search during tweet creation. Use :<keyword> to search for emojis to use them in your tweet.
- Add user handle in tweet creation screen
- Display user names in tweets more elegantly
- Fix: Elide button texts when too long (e.g. timeline, notifications etc.)
- Fix: Ignore deleted user in direct messages
- Fix: Avoid complete open URL takeover on some devices
- Updated translations for Chinese and Polish (thanks to dashinfantry and atlochowski)
- Open with-Piepmatz: Open Piepmatz directly from your events view or any other app which references Twitter content
- Secret Identity (check out the settings page for details about this secret feature ;))
- Show detailed information about deleted & blocked tweets (mainly for retweets with comments)
- Fix for broken charsets in link previews (once again :/)
- Fix for broken thread display (still no official API, let's see how long it will work)
- Fix ?xxx file name suffixes for file downloads
- Updated translations (Hungarian, Chinese, Polish)
- Support for Emoji 12.0 (e.g. yawning face, orangutan, sloth, skunk, otter...)
- Dedicated support for direct tweet to other users (thanks to Thaodan for the work)
- New setting to adjust font size (for those who want the standard SFOS large font size...)
- New link preview setting: Always load (as previously), only on WiFi connection, never load (in case you want to save data traffic)
- Images are no longer reloaded on orientation change (will save data traffic, might consume a little more RAM on your device)
- Wagnis is removed
- Support for Emoji 11.0 (finally a superhero/villain emoji ;) )
- Added Czech translation (thanks to Jiri Hubacek)
- Updated Italian translation (thanks to Alessandro Pra')
- Code quality improvements (thanks to Rolf Eike Beer)
- Keyboard shortcuts for Gemini PDA, TOHKBD...
- Improved translations for Finnish, Japanese and French
- Search results: Filter duplicate tweets (caused by retweets)
- Added previously incomplete translations
- Support for image descriptions (accessibility, especially for blind people)
- Get images also from Downloads directory & from Android Pictures and Download directories
- Adjustments to tweet thread handling (other user agent) for hopefully better future compatibility
- Support for saved searches
- Better landscape support
- Swipe to switch categories (e.g. from timeline to notifications)
- Option to disable loading animations
- Tap on download successful notification launches Gallery app
- Possibility to remove account
- Download media
- Fullscreen videos
- Delete your own tweets
- Notifications for retweets and new followers
- Lists support
- Proper linebreak handling in tweets
- Alternative image style (thanks to ferlanero)
- Multiple accounts support (see settings)
- Original Twitter Emojis (can be disabled)
- Thread support (limited/workaround as there is no API, but works quite well)
- Payment framework integration
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