Vodman enables you to save videos from popular sites such as Youtube or Twitch to your device.
Simply copy the URL of the VOD to the clipboard. Then, open Vodman and use the pull down menu to start the download.
Decided you didn't want a VOD after all? No problem, cancel the download and optionally delete the file.
Vodman uses youtube-dl and can download from any supported site.
The sources are available on GitHub, translations on Transifex.
Version 1.2.4
bug fixes
- better handling of 'temporary name resolution failure'
Version 1.2.3
- vodman-lib: add support for manifest url on audio/video format
bug fixes
- vod file download failures are now reported again
Version 1.2.2
Please note that this update resets the application to default settings
- vodman-lib: add support for partial playlist download
bug fixes
- move application settings from dconf to Jolla recommended location
- youtube-dl:
- handle 'youtube-dl signature extraction' error
- handle handle HTTP status code 404
- vodman-lib: fix constructors for VM*Data
Version 1.2.1
usability issues
- update Chinese and Swedish translation
Version 1.2.0
usability issues
- show dummy thumbnail if meta data doesn't provide one
- make 'already downloading' notification transient
- remove non-functional 'download from url' button on cover page
- add support for playlist downloads (i.e. youtube, afreecatv)
- add support for background check for youtube-dl update
Version 1.1.4
- add Chinese translation
- video format handling
- support download of vods without vcodec set in meta data
- fill in video width from detected format (best guess)
- add error handling for 'content gone for good'
Version 1.1.3
- youtube-dl can now be updated independently of app
- file path of download can now be copied to the clipboard
- various small ui improvements
Version 1.1.2
- added Swedish translation provided by Åke Engelbrektson
- updated youtube-dl to version 2019.01.27
- added D-BUS API to download VODs
- added support to download direct video links
Version 1.1.1
- fixes dependencies for Jolla store
- adds support for python in addition to python3
- add placeholder message when download view is empty but a download pending
There is a small delay after the meta data has been downloaded, the vod download has been triggered and the vod actually appearing in the list view. The message informs the user that the download is underway.
Version 1.1.0
- Updates youtube-dl to version 2019.01.17
- Add support for German localization
- Made app Jolla store compatible. The ramifications are as follows:
- the dependency on the vodman-service/libvodman are gone
- the app will no longer show downloads triggered by other apps through vodman-service
- the app must remain opened to complete downloads.
Version 1.0.10
- Updates youtube-dl to version 2018.11.07
Version 1.0.9
- Updates youtube-dl to version 2018.09.10
- Ui tweaks
Version 1.0.8
- Fixes issue reporting youtube-dl process errors
- Adds urls to sources on GitHub/project page on OpenRepos
- Ui tweaks
Version 1.0.7
- download page now shows busy indicator while the thumbnail is loading
- adds proper error messages
- if the device runs out of storage space
- if the url used to download meta data is invalid (e.g. empty)
- adds check to prevent user from accidently downloading to the same file twice
Version 1.0.6
- cached meta data now expires after one hour
Version 1.0.5
- Fixes issue with default download combobox and text field being out of sync
- Adds support for bearer management in harbour-vodman
- Fixes call of VMQuickVodDownloadModel.cancelDownload undefined index
- Adds copying information for youtube-dl as COPYING.youtube-dl
- Fixes index out of bounds access to vod format list
- Adds MIT license as COPYING
Version 1.0.4
- Replaces cancel all downloads cover action with start new download
Version 1.0.3
- new version to fix botched RPM on openrepos
Previous versions
- Moves service XML to vodman-service package where it belongs
- Removes library dependency on QtGui for vodman-service, libvodman
- all: fixes license info (2016->2018)
- all: bumps version to 1.0.2 (HEAD -> master)
- rpm: adds missing d-bus service xml to devel package
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