OSM Scout Server
OSM Scout Server is a native offline maps provider. This server can be used as a drop-in replacement for online map services providing map tiles, search, and routing. As a result, together with the map client, a full offline solution is available for map search and navigation (car, bicycle, and walking).
The server can be used to provide:
- map tiles for other applications;
- search for locations and free text search;
- search for POIs next to a reference;
- calculate the route between two or more locations.
To use the server, you have to start it and configure the client to access it. Poor Maps and modRana have support for the server already with no additional configuration needed.
NB! For users with non-current SFOS versions, please use Chum repositories.
Specific update instructions:
1.15.0 Valhalla database format has been updated. Please update maps after installation.
1.14.3 I suggest to uninstall old version of the server, check if anything stayed in /usr/share/harbour-osmscout-server and if that folder is there and/or not empty, remove it using devel-su. After that, install a new version (1.14.3 and up).
NB! When Mapbox GL schema is changed (as for 1.4.0), please remove Mapbox GL application caches.
NB! When a new backend is added, such as with the release of 0.9.0 and 0.10.0, please ensure that you have subscription information updated. For that, in Map Manager, click on "Check for updates", decline updates, and unsubscribe/subscribe each territory that you have subscribed. After that, proceed with the downloads. This is not needed if you don't want to use the added backend(s).
For detailed up-to-date description, please see https://github.com/rinigus/osmscout-server/blob/master/README.md
License: GPL
Source code: https://github.com/rinigus/osmscout-server
User's guide: https://rinigus.github.io/osmscout-server
Official TMO thread: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=97823
Donations: https://rinigus.github.io/donate
Screenshots show the running server and, as an example client application, Poor Maps accessing the map tiles and calculated route prior to navigation.
Maps are hosted by Natural Language Processing Centre (https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/en/ , Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) through modRana (http://modrana.org)
data repository.
Map data from OpenStreetMap, Open Database License 1.0. Maps are converted to a suitable format from downloaded extracts and/or using polygons as provided by Geofabrik GmbH.
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