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Porthole is a Sailfish OS application to control a Pi-hole server.

Authentication with Access Token

To authenticate with Pi-hole server an access token is necessary. You can find it in the config files "/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf". Look for the WEBPASSWORD entry.

Implemented Features

  • Enable / Disable ad blocking (need token)
  • Show statistics of current day
  • Manage Black- and Whitelist (add / delete)
  • Show Server Info

Planned Features

  • Show more informations / analysis
  • More administrative functions
  • Feature requests


Available translations:

  • English
  • German

Your language is not available? You are welcome to support this project by translating it on my self hosted Weblate server:



Source code is available on Github:


Social Media

Follow this project on Mastodon.


If you like my work you can buy me a beer.


Donate using Liberapay

Application versions: 
File harbour-porthole-0.1.0-1.i486.rpm89.67 KB25/07/2021 - 18:42
File harbour-porthole-0.1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm87.19 KB25/07/2021 - 18:42
File harbour-porthole-0.1.0-1.aarch64.rpm88.66 KB25/07/2021 - 18:42
File harbour-porthole-0.1.1-1.aarch64.rpm95.96 KB25/07/2021 - 22:33
File harbour-porthole-0.1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm93.66 KB25/07/2021 - 22:33
File harbour-porthole-0.1.1-1.i486.rpm97.42 KB25/07/2021 - 22:33
File harbour-porthole-0.1.2-1.i486.rpm109.19 KB29/07/2021 - 19:17
File harbour-porthole-0.1.2-1.aarch64.rpm107.25 KB29/07/2021 - 19:17
File harbour-porthole-0.1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm103.87 KB29/07/2021 - 19:17
File harbour-porthole-0.1.3-1.i486.rpm111.43 KB22/11/2021 - 21:36
File harbour-porthole-0.1.3-1.armv7hl.rpm106.21 KB22/11/2021 - 21:36
File harbour-porthole-0.1.3-1.aarch64.rpm109.46 KB22/11/2021 - 21:36
File harbour-porthole-0.2.0-1.aarch64.rpm113.19 KB18/12/2021 - 16:15
File harbour-porthole-0.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm109.99 KB18/12/2021 - 16:15
File harbour-porthole-0.2.0-1.i486.rpm115.28 KB18/12/2021 - 16:15
File harbour-porthole-0.2.1-1.i486.rpm114.84 KB23/12/2021 - 15:19
File harbour-porthole-0.2.1-1.armv7hl.rpm109.68 KB23/12/2021 - 15:19
File harbour-porthole-0.2.1-1.aarch64.rpm112.93 KB23/12/2021 - 15:19
File harbour-porthole-0.3.1-1.armv7hl.rpm105.45 KB28/05/2022 - 11:26
File harbour-porthole-0.3.1-1.i486.rpm110.32 KB28/05/2022 - 11:26
File harbour-porthole-0.3.1-1.aarch64.rpm108.71 KB28/05/2022 - 11:26
File harbour-porthole-0.3.2-1.i486.rpm111.17 KB29/05/2022 - 18:40
File harbour-porthole-0.3.2-1.armv7hl.rpm106.09 KB29/05/2022 - 18:40
File harbour-porthole-0.3.2-1.aarch64.rpm109.39 KB29/05/2022 - 18:40
File harbour-porthole-0.4.0-1.noarch.rpm88.08 KB11/12/2022 - 16:14
* Sun Dec 11 2022 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.4.0-1
- Reimplementation in pure QML

* Sun May 29 2022 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.3.2-1
- Fixed nasty bug with stored credentials
- Add connection settings page

* Sat May 28 2022 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.3.1-1
- Removed crypto implementation
- Cleanup

* Thu Dec 23 2021 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.2.1-1
- Replaced Sailfish Secrets with own simple crypto implementation

* Sat Dec 18 2021 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.2.0-1
- SailJail support
- Switch to id based translation
- Added more translations
- Bugfixes / Improvements

* Mon Nov 22 2021 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.1.3-1
- Migrate settings to new Jolla requirements
- New translations (Polish / French)

* Thu Jul 29 2021 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.1.2-1
- Add Black- / Whitelist management
- Add Server info
- In app notifications
- Error handling
- Code Improvements

* Sun Jul 25 2021 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.1.1-1
- Show analysis data (top clients / queries)
- Improvements

* Sun Jul 25 2021 Samuel Kron <blacksheep@nubecula.org> 0.1.0-1
- Initial release