icu (JollaPhone)

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The International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries provide
robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of
platforms. ICU supports the most current version of the Unicode
standard, and they provide support for supplementary Unicode
characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support).
As computing environments become more heterogeneous, software
portability becomes more important. ICU lets you produce the same
results across all the various platforms you support, without
sacrificing performance. It offers great flexibility to extend and
customize the supplied services.

sha256sum filename:
a9509bce4027409dc5363733193919d3d9f17022733f0a1aa47b2742778bf2d3 icu68-68.2-1.armv7hl.rpm
6513b81a7cbd8d9bafd23588ac6aa6b1645ee572285e7e3b2e09b02703ad4234 libicu68-68.2-1.armv7hl.rpm
37d43fc9dcc7d89d83b6c1ea11c25bb4c7656a9f9fc5745dc41db828c087f0fd libicu68-doc-68.2-1.noarch.rpm
1a176533dac9c5014b891652d5545d2c5f333fc05a4517b4e96f63c32a731ab0 libicu-devel-68.2-1.armv7hl.rpm



Application versions: 
File libicu68-doc-68.2-1.noarch.rpm2.96 MB24/05/2021 - 19:52
File icu68-68.2-1.armv7hl.rpm164.14 KB24/05/2021 - 19:52
File libicu-devel-68.2-1.armv7hl.rpm664.39 KB24/05/2021 - 19:53
File libicu68-68.2-1.armv7hl.rpm8.24 MB24/05/2021 - 19:59