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A Google Drive client for SailfishOS using pyotherside. 

Cargo was created out of necessity, my work relies heavily on Google Docs, and I just needed a simple/fast way to view/download files other than the browser...Cargo was born. 

Current Functionality: 

  • Open links
  • Download
  • Search
  • Upload

python3-pip is already a dependency and should be downloaded along Cargo. It does however require google's official api client. 


pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib


If you wish to use your own client_id. create a project( and add the following scopes and just replace the client_id before initial launch. 










Replace this file (/usr/share/harbour-cargo/qml/creds/client_id.json) with yours. 

If you have already logged in and wish to change to your own client, make sure to delete the token.

Token: /home/nemo/.config/harbour-cargo/token.pickle

Then, log in to your google account and remove cargo

Google link:


Since this is an assembly project, please refer to the individual files for licensing information.





Application versions: 
File harbour-cargo-1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm144.08 KB20/10/2020 - 20:31
File harbour-cargo-1.0-2.armv7hl.rpm143.75 KB30/10/2020 - 00:55
File harbour-cargo-1.1-6.noarch.rpm349.47 KB28/02/2023 - 15:18

* Thus Feb 23 2023 Logic-gate <> 1.1-6
- Basic file upload
- Upload to dir in view

* Wed Feb 22 2023 Logic-gate <> 1.1-5
- Fixed OOB dep by by adding login method for token extraction
- Attah added save as PDF

* Wed Apr 27 2022 Logic-gate <> 1.1-4
- Fixed Hardcod nemo
- Fixed download name and path issue; was showing id rather than name
- Added Sailjail Profile
- Added Share for non-google-mimetype files
- Added Open non-google-mimetype files direclty from cargo
- Added new icons
- Fixed ColorScheme switch from dark to light depending on ambience