29.10.2019 – Firmware Update (Torronsuo) – Early Access

Heute erschien das Early Access Update in der Version und trägt den Namen Torronsuo.
Contributions from Sailfish Mobile OS RUS (Aurora)
Several of the key improvements in this release were developed for Sailfish Mobile OS RUS (OS Aurora) and contributed by OMP to the Sailfish OS.
Here are some of the key contributions and features developed with OMP’s support
- Phone redesigns and improvements: Call reminder feature introduced, Incoming call showing country for foreign calls, Call ending dialogue redesigned
- Support for Active Sync out of office reminders
- File Manager shows the folder size, and an error message was added for file and folder name conflicts
- Ability to customize OS name and use customized name for example used in the default email signature
- More enterprise EAP options are supported for WLAN connections
- OpenVPN encrypted certificate password fixes
- User data encryption developed further and SELinux prepared for deployment
- Security fixes (CVEs) for dbus, expat, lua, openssh, patch, QualPwd, systemd
- Added support for different types of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices
- Battery notifications improved to reduce unnecessary notifications
Jolla appreciates collaborative efforts of its partners and community to make Sailfish OS even better.
Release Highlights
This list below contains examples of new features (and some bug fixes) added to Sailfish OS, compared to the previous public release 3.1.0. The release notes of 3.1.0 can be found here.
Xperia XA2
- Kernel updated to 4.4.189
- Sailfish OS 3.2.0 can be installed on Android 9 now (no need to downgrade to Android 8.1)
- Dropbox: Migrated away from deprecated media info API
- If no accounts installed on a device that supports Presence, then Settings > Presence item is not shown
- Hardcoded /home/nemo/ removed from sailfishkeyprovider; home path read from $HOME environment variable now
App Support
- Android
App Support for Xperia XA2 devices improved
- Android Support (a.k.a. aliendalvik) updated to android-8.1.0_r65
- Using the android.hardware.power service allowed. Makes different performance and low power modes possible
- Using the android.hardware.memtrack service allowed. Helps in getting information about used hardware resources
- Missing file browser added to make it possible for Android apps to share files by default
- Mobile data works now also when one of the SIM cards (dual SIM devices) is disabled
- Opening Android apps work better now
- Period/comma characters added to Android keyboard; Enter key recognised now
- Copying contacts from Sailfish to Android apps work smoothly now. Out-of-memory loop eliminated.
- Android keyboard pops up reliably
Backup & Restore
- Backup service can now get the information on the available storage reliably. An API added to the PartitionModel to tell when external storages are populated.
- Legacy git-tree vault code and libraries removed as the more recent implementation does not use them
Battery & Charging
- Battery notification logic was rewritten to reduce the number of disturbing notifications
- Support for different types of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices added, i.e. pairing and connections from Sailfish do work. However, using the devices requires a BLE application which we do not have. Android apps are lacking access to Sailfish Bluetooth service, still.
- Problems in accessing Twitter with Sailfish Browser fixed
- WebGL support fixed
- Avoided forcing all calendars to be synced when making changes to one
- Showing the SD card as the target for saving pictures fixed
- Snooze interval is configurable now – see Settings > Apps > Clock
- Timers finally allow choosing seconds
- Pulley menu action added for reseting the saved timers to the beginning
- Edit view of WLAN connection extended with more enterprise EAP options
- Adding a WLAN network: Save button fixed
- Counters of mobile data fixed
- After turning flight mode off, the device can connect back to mobile data
- Swapping of SIM cards between the two slots does not disturb the subsequent connections.
- Polling interface statistics when all interfaces are down stopped
- OpenVPN encrypted certificate password dialogues and password use is fixed. VPNAgent is used for credential retrieval, an encrypted certificate password is not saved by VPNAgent.
- OS name used instead of „Jolla“ in default email signature
- Writing comments (annotations) to PDF files sometimes crashing Documents app fixed
- Calligra backend updated to the latest upstream, bringing in many bug fixes to displaying of office formats – Community contribution from Damien Caliste – thank you!
- Performance regression in contact search fixed
- Avoid duplicate empty fields in contact editor, one empty field is enough at a time
- Call reminder feature introduced
- You can set reminder to call back when receiving an incoming call, or from call history
- Call ending dialog redesigned
- If you end the call only non-blocking notification is shown
- If the remote side disconnects a new system dialogue is shown with actions to call back, send message or add a reminder
- Incoming call now displays country of the caller if coming from abroad
- More than two emergency calls possible in a row, now
- An
attempt was made to prevent calls from being accidentally held [Xperia X
devices]. Proximity sensor utilization was tweaked to improve the
reliability of in-call blanking behaviour.
Unfortunately, this change also affects the Sneak Peek feature.
Those users who have not experienced problems with in-call proximity
blanking and wish to continue using Sneak Peek can revert back to the
previous behaviour by executing
mcetool --set-ps-on-demand=disabled
from the command line. - Call UX improvements are ongoing work with further improvements planned
- If no accounts installed on a device that supports Presence, then „Settings > Presence“ item is not shown
- Snooze interval is configurable now – see „Settings > Apps > Clock“
- Swapping of SIM cards between the two slots does not disturb the subsequent connections
- User data encryption (a.k.a. encryption of Home partition, disk encryption) developed further. However, this feature is in 3.2.0 only supported for freshly flashed corporate devices and will be deployed in upcoming Sailfish updates to consumer devices.
- Security framework SELinux being developed in the background, not yet ready. Vulnerabilities fixed:
- dbus 1.13.12: CVE-2019-12749, CVE-2015-0245
- expat 2.2.7: CVE-2015-1283, CVE-2016-0718, CVE-2016-4472, CVE-2016-5300, CVE-2012-6702, CVE-2017-9233, CVE-2016-9063
- kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel: CVE-2019-10538, CVE-2019-11477, CVE-2019-11478, CVE-2019-11479
- lua 5.3.5: CVE-2014-5461, CVE-2019-6706
- openssh 8.0p1: CVE-2019-6111
- patch 2.7.6: CVE-2019-13638, CVE-2019-13636, CVE-2018-1000156
- QualPwn CVE-2019-10538
- systemd 225+git19: CVE-2013-4391, CVE-2018-16865, CVE-2018-16866, CVE-2016-7795, CVE-2019-3842
- File Manager shows the folder size now in details page
- „Cannot copy into itself“ error message was added for file and folder name conflicts
- Prevent extra spurious sync action during off-peak hours. Verify that sync schedule is compatible with a wake-up time
- Content deletion use cases redesigned to reduce confusion new users face. Further improvements are coming in the next release
- Brightness of pulley menu indicator increased, users sometimes miss the indicator and are unable to access the functionality in the pulley
T.J.C: Issues reported by the community and fixed in this update
All of the links below may not open up for everyone, sorry.
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209106/information-about-missed-call-not-disappearing/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/207763/twitter-stopped-working-in-sailfish-browser/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/205808/help-unable-to-profile-app-with-valgrind/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/207295/deploying-qml-only-apps-to-phonesailfishos-30310-fails/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/207904/bug-security-code-query-disabled-after-update-to-3101/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/1717/customizable-snooze/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209392/bug-voicecall-ui-preload-process-constant-cpu-usage/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/212151/cant-create-notes-in-pdf/?sort=votes&page=1
- https://together.jolla.com/question/211123/xperia-x310camera-storage-location-changed/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/197138/bug-camera-and-upgrade-page-no-sd-card-inserted/,
- https://together.jolla.com/question/82297/bug-ui-cosmetics-yesterday-is-behind-sender-name-of-last-email/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/8579/ui-bug-mail-title-overlaps-on-top-of-sort-title-when-changing-sort-order/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/105653/bug-email-app-visual-glitch-when-not-syncing-during-the-evening/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209915/danish-translation-in-phone-app/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/207404/mobile-data-counter-shows-0-bytes-of-traffic-when-wifi-is-enabled/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/210187/bug-shifted-text-when-replying-to-email/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/126146/bug-manual-off-peak-email-synchronisation-settings-are-not-respected/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/208637/new-phone-app-looks-bad-with-ambiences-from-tohs/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/1686/add-seconds-to-timer/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/55501/android-keyboard-ok-vs-enter/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209532/track-down-mobile-data-issue-android-xa2-310/?answer=212609#post-id-212609
- https://together.jolla.com/question/211123/xperia-x310camera-storage-location-changed/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/197138/bug-camera-and-upgrade-page-no-sd-card-inserted/,
- https://together.jolla.com/question/197811/35mm-audio-connector-not-working-on-xa2/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/82297/bug-ui-cosmetics-yesterday-is-behind-sender-name-of-last-email/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/8579/ui-bug-mail-title-overlaps-on-top-of-sort-title-when-changing-sort-order/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/105653/bug-email-app-visual-glitch-when-not-syncing-during-the-evening/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209354/top-status-bar-not-shown/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209532/track-down-mobile-data-issue-android-xa2-310/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/201899/bug-3028-newly-installed-apps-do-not-appear-in-menu/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/55501/android-keyboard-ok-vs-enter/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/209392/bug-voicecall-ui-preload-process-constant-cpu-usage/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/208637/new-phone-app-looks-bad-with-ambiences-from-tohs/
Technical changes
Detailed changelog is kept here
Updating your device
Your device must be connected to the Internet and signed into your Jolla account. If your Jolla account is registered for Early Access releases you should receive an OS update notification when an update is available. If you have decided not to take the Early Access registration then you will get the OS update typically one week later.
We warmly recommend making some 3-4 GB of free space to the internal storage of your device before starting the update. Move your pictures and videos to the SD card (or to your PC or cloud service). After the upgrade turn on the option to save pictures and videos directly from the camera to the memory card (Settings > Apps > Camera). This is important particularly in the case of „Jolla Phone“ devices (product name „Jolla“ in Settings > About product).
This is the usual drill before attempting to update your devices:
Take a backup of your data before attempting to update your device and save the backup to an SD card or to some other off-device location (PC, your cloud service). Note that videos and images are not included in cloud-based backups. Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress. Do keep the phone connected to a battery charger during the whole process. Device screen may blank out during the update process; you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.
For detailed instructions on updating software, read our help article in Zendesk.
NOTE: Sailfish OS does not support downgrading. Never try to downgrade the OS as this would brick your device.
Notification concerning apps from Open Repos
- If you use Phonehook or Callrecorder from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading
- If you use oFono from OpenRepos, revert to the official oFono before upgrading
- If you use Patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.
About SD cards
- Encrypted cards must be unlocked by the user to make them available for Sailfish applications.
- Non-encrypted cards are mounted automatically when the device is turned on.
- Encrypted cards can be formatted only when they are locked. Formatting removes the encryption in this case (the card becomes unencrypted and unmounted). You can then format it again with the option to encrypt, if needed.
Known issues – generic
- VPN does not work in case of Android apps
- Bluetooth pairing and audio connections may still fail in some circumstances
- The
cipher is not currently working, which is often chosen for SSH. It has been disabled in the sshd configuration file, but if you have manually modified it then it will not automatically update. You can ssh into your device usingssh -c aes128-ctr
and check the/etc/ssh/sshd_config
file against itsrpmnew
version if present.
Known issues specific to Xperia X
- Not implemented features: NFC, FM radio, double-tap, step counter
- Issues with mobile data persist on some SIM cards. Turn the Flight mode on and off to reset the network setup. Reverting the device to Android and re-installing Sailfish X has often helped. See our support article.
- Manual network/carrier search lists all networks by the same name (the name of the SIM provider). Use an automatic search. If not possible, you need to try several items in the manual search results, unfortunately. The topmost item is not necessarily the one that can serve you (still valid with most SIM cards)
- [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video. After this, camera focus is still not ideal – as the camera stays out of focus when it starts until you either tap or try to take a shot – but the pictures seem to be better focused now
- If a device is powered off alarms are not functional
- Bluetooth: problems with some car equipment, some audio devices and computers may appear
- The loudspeaker volume level cannot be adjusted very high
- Not all SD cards are recognized and mounted.
Known issues specific to Xperia XA2
- Not implemented features: FM radio, double-tap
- Bluetooth: there are problems in connecting to some peripheral devices
- XA2 does not power up when alarm time has elapsed
- Flashing Sailfish X to XA2 might still fail (so far seen to happen on Ubuntu 18.04 when using USB3 port). Please read this article.
- With v17B Sony vendor image we observed a decrease in the perceived signal strength of the 5GHz WLAN access points (investigations ongoing). Version v16 may work better in this respect. Therefore we would not recommend flashing v17B for the time being if you use WLAN networks in the 5GHz band. You can reflash the vendor image of your choice by following the instructions in here.
- Voice calls with Whatsapp are not usable as the voice volume level is minimal (if can be heard at all). This is expected to get fixed in the next OS update (3.2.1). (This should get fixed with OS release 3.2.1 „Nuuksio“)
- Video playback in Whatsapp requires special actions: 1) Tap on video 2) Tap the share button (top right) 3) Tap back arrow 4) Tap Play on the video. Now it starts playing…
- Pictures/videos on SD card are not visible to Android apps.
Known issues specific to Gemini PDA
- Gemini Screenshot Button Fn + X does not work
- Not possible to answer calls when Gemini is closed with side button
- Some 3rd party apps have issues in Landscape mode.
Detailierte Changelog:
Packages removed
- cross-armv7l-platformfile – 0.0.1-1.1.1 cross-armv7tnhl-platformfile
- cross-armv7tnhl-platformfile – 0.0.1-1.1.1 gmock
- libgmock0 – sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend-wmtwifi
- sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend-wmtwifi – 0.0.4-1.3.4.jolla sd-utils
- sd-utils – 0.1.5-1.2.18.jolla tojblockd
- tojblockd – 1.0.1-1.2.3.jolla
- tojblockd-tests – 1.0.1-1.2.3.jolla
Packages modified
- Updated : 1.1.9+git5-1.7.3.jolla — 1.1.9+git6-1.8.2.jolla
- [cache] Update the regular cache after dist-upgrade. alienaudioservice
- Updated : 0.3-1.1.5.jolla — 0.4-1.2.1.jolla
- [alienaudioservice] Try to be more efficient on playback side. aliendalvik
- Updated : —
- [alien] Implement incremental initial contact sync.
- [alien] switch to decimal keyboard if TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL is specified.
- [keyboard] Still send Enter in the case of IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION. Regression
- [alien] flush display after requesting minimized/maximized state.
- [alien] wait for apps to have a window before allowing to start the next app.
- [alien] don’t allow home window activity to interfere with app launching.
- [alien] don’t ask for which data sim to use.
- [keyboard] Trigger Editor Action when Enter is pressed, rather than just send the keycode.
- [alien] scale too big app icons down to more reasonable sizes to avoid binder failures.
- [alien] Verify that string exists before using it.
- [alien] make surfacecomposer and mce transactions oneway to avoid deadlocks.
- [apps] Drop Contacts app again, as we cover what that was doing.
- [alien] new simplified mobile data patch v3.
- [alien] avoid going back and forward between apps in a loop.
- [alien] Revert: Exclude unwelcome default apps from the build.
- [alien] disable bootanimation.
- [alien] use sdcardfs for android_storage, move nemo mount out of sdcardfs due to permission problems. make sure files can still be accessed from android side.
- [alien] return dummy state in get_mic_mute.
- [alien] Start aliendalvik after home is mounted.
- [alien] Add USB permissions.
- [alien] Also make sure touch events are reset if a window is moved to the background, not only when closed.
- [alien] Enable OpenGLES AEP support.
- [alien] Enable vulkan support.
- [alien] support email attachments.
- [alien] Remove unnecessary bluetooth files.
- [alien] prepare for android-8.1.0_r65.
- [alien] Allow automatically starting adbd via a property.
- [alien] Prevent crash if screen brightness ramp animator does not exist.
- [alien] Avoid a lockup in SurfaceFlinger.
- [alien] Allow acquiring android.hardware.memtrack service.
- [alien] Don’t allow registering android.hidl.allocator.
- [alien] Add adbd service.
- [alien] Add dummy usb permission.
- [alien] Allow development settings page to work in alien.
- [alien] Allow the development settings page to work.
- [alien] Load alien properties before anything else.
- [alien] Make adb run-as functional.
- [alien] add extra device configs.
- [alien] allow disabling EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float via a property.
- [alien] allow disabling sailfishos networking via a property.
- [alien] allow hwservicemanager to be started from inside alien when the host doesn’t have a hwservicemanager.
- [alien] allow sfos networking to be enabled/disabled via a system property.
- [alien] allow surfaceflinger to work without the alien_manager wayland extension.
- [alien] fix wayland compilation on multiarch systems.
- [alien] set wake/suspend mode via keyboard focus handler.
- [alien] support mouse input better.
- [alien] use ANDROID_DNS_MODE local also for other zygote variants.
- [alien] allow using the android.hardware.power service.
- [alien] Requires alienaudioservice 0.4
- [alien] Use shared buffer for audio data transfer. aliendalvik-translations-l10n
- Updated : 1.11-1.4.6.jolla — 1.12-1.5.1.jolla
- [l10n] spec file updated alienkeyboardservice
- Updated : 0.2-1.1.5.jolla — 0.5-1.5.1.jolla
- [alienkeyboardservice] Fix reading surrounding text from binder message.
- [alienkeyboardservice] Improve adding binder service during startup.
- [alienkeyboardservice] Cleanup debug logging.
- [alienkeyboardservice] Silence excessive logging. ambienced
- Updated : 0.29.10-1.8.10.jolla — 0.29.12-1.11.1.jolla
- [regression] Fix dbus-send path
- [ambienced] Use Theme opacity constants. apkd
- Updated : 0.8.8-1.7.1.jolla — 0.8.11-1.10.1.jolla
- [apkd4] Replace „Android? support“ with „Android? App Support“.
- [launcher] Switch to QDBus instead of shell for starting alien service.
- [apkd] Require /home to be mounted. apkd-l10n
- Updated : 1.109.2-1.20.1.jolla — 1.115.5-1.24.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched apkd from version 1.115
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.11
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review). apkd8
- Updated : —
- [apkd8] Adapt to incremental initial contact sync.
- [apkd8] clarify Android system package verification option text.
- [apkd8] clean up TM symbol to only be shown once per page.
- [apkd8] Replace „Android? support“ with „Android? App Support“.
- [apkd8] show a notification if android support is not started but the user tries to start an app.
- [apkd8] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [apkd8] use /home/nemo directly since it now appears as /home/nemo inside the container.
- [apkd8] Start apkd after home is mounted. apkd8-l10n
- Updated : 1.4.3-1.6.1.jolla — 1.14.6-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 51 of 51 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched apkd8 from version 1.14
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 51 of 51 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review). aspell
- Updated : — 0.60.7+git1-1.3.1.jolla
- [aspell] Update to 0.60.7. aspell-en
- Updated : 6.0-1.2.15.jolla — 2018.04.16-1.3.1.jolla
- [aspell-en] Update to 2018.04.16. audioflingerglue
- Updated : 0.0.11-1.8.1.jolla — 0.0.13-1.9.1.jolla
- [audioflinger] Add needed build requirements.
- [audioflinger] Add support for Android 9 based ports. binutils
- Updated : 2.32+git2-1.5.1.jolla — 2.32+git3-1.5.6.jolla
- [binutils] Get rid of quilt build-requires. bluebinder
- Updated : 1.0.2-1.3.1.jolla — 1.0.6-1.5.1.jolla
- [bluebinder] fix bluetooth suspend.
- [bluebinder] fix disabling bluetooth.
- [bluebinder] disable IBS.
- [bluebinder] add CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH to capability bounding set.
- [bluebinder] sandbox the bluebinder service. bluez5
- Updated : 5.50+git1-1.9.1.jolla — 5.50+git3-1.9.4.jolla
- [sailfish] packaging-obex: Don’t try to control systemd user session.
- [sailfish] Actually limit D-Bus signal emission rate. busybox
- Updated : 1.29.3+git5-1.2.1.jolla — 1.31.0+git2-1.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : busybox-symlinks-cpio – 1.31.0+git2-1.3.1.jolla, busybox-symlinks-which – 1.31.0+git2-1.3.1.jolla, busybox-symlinks-tar – 1.31.0+git2-1.3.1.jolla
- [find] Enable -context.
- [busybox] Update to 1.31.0 to fix CVE-2018-20679.
- [packaging] Prefer /usr/{,s}bin for binaries and symlinks.
- [packaging] Add busybox-symlinks-tar subpackage.
- [packaging] Add busybox-symlinks-which subpackage.
- [packaging] Enable which.
- [packaging] Enable tar.
- [packaging] Move to busybox cpio, because cpio moved to GPLv3+. buteo-syncfw-qt5
- Updated : 0.8.21-1.8.5.jolla — 0.8.24-1.9.1.jolla
- [buteo-syncfw] Verify that sync schedule is compatible with wake-up time. Fixes MER#1840
- [buteo-syncfw] Remove QtSystemInfo dependency.
- [buteo-syncfw] Suppress warning if sync profile not found. buteo-syncml-qt5
- Updated : 0.5.10-1.4.1.jolla — 0.5.11-1.4.1.jolla
- [buteo-syncml] Avoid narrowing data in test. cairo
- Updated : 1.14.6+git1-1.2.8.jolla — 1.16.0-1.3.1.jolla
- [cairo] Update cairo to 1.16.0. calligra
- Updated : 3.1.0+git7-1.8.1.jolla — 3.1.0+git9-1.9.1.jolla
- [calligra] Update to latest upstream. Fixes TJC#212263
- [calligra] Add segfault workaround for xls files. cmake
- Updated : 3.11.4-1.3.1.jolla — 3.11.4+git1-1.4.2.jolla
- [packaing] Drop procps dependency. commhistory-daemon-l10n
- Updated : 1.66.1-1.12.1.jolla — 1.67.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched commhistory-daemon from version 1.67
- [l10n] spec file updated connman
- Updated : 1.32+git83-1.30.1.jolla — 1.32+git91.1-1.31.1.jolla
- [regression] Fix dbus-send path.
- [connman] Always set driver for message queued via agent.
- [connman-vpn] Implement VPN agent setting to keep credentials.
- [doc] Add KeepCredentials documentation to VPN agent API.
- [openvpn] Always enable management interface.
- [openvpn] Improve Private Key decryption detection.
- [openvpn] Keep credentials when requesting Private Key pwd.
- [openvpn] Store Encrypted Private Key pwd in memory.
- [openvpn] Use GString to format returned credentials.
- [openvpn] Use VPN Agent for Encrypted Private Key pwd.
- [connman] Support for owner match in iptables.
- [connman] Bumped glib version requirement
- [connman] Stop polling interface statistics when all interfaces are down.
- [firewall] Fixed compilation warning
- [unit] Replaced telnet with 23
- [unit] Replaced telnet with echo
- [connman] Do not issue empty data usage notifications.
- [connman] rtnl: Interpret both 519 and 530 as ARPHRD_RAWIP.
- [connman] Export more service properties.
- [connman] Fix hidden WiFi crashes and hidden property saving.
- [wifi] Keep hidden status for networks even if their name is known. connman-qt5
- Updated : 1.2.19-1.12.1.jolla — 1.2.20-1.11.1.jolla
- [libconnman-qt] Add more properties to NetworkService. contactsd-l10n
- Updated : 1.40.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.41.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched contactsd from version 1.41
- [l10n] spec file updated coreutils
- Updated : 6.9-1.3.1.jolla — 6.9-1.3.6.jolla
- [coreutils] Drop cvs build dep. cpio
- Updated : 2.12+git1-1.4.1.jolla — 2.12+git2-1.4.3.jolla
- [cpio] Provide gnu-cpio package. crash-reporter
- Updated : 1.14.4-1.6.4.jolla — 1.14.7-1.7.3.jolla
- [crash-reporter] Fix using wrong variable name.
- [crash-reporter] Add groff as a build requirement.
- [crash-reporter] Don’t link against QtGui unnecessarily.
- [crash-reporter] Fix infinite looping of privacy notice. cross-aarch64-binutils
- Updated : 2.32+git2-1.3.1.jolla — 2.32+git3-1.3.3.jolla
- [binutils] Get rid of quilt build-requires.
- [binutils] Remove temp spec file.
- [binutils] Upgrade to 2.32 and switch to tar_git.
- [mer] Add LD_AS_NEEDED functionality back.
- [build] Align changelog entry with tag to please BOSS.
- Align changelog with build tag.
- [packaging] Add separate doc subpackage. cross-aarch64-gcc Reverted : 4.9.4-1.4.3.jolla — 4.9.4-1.4.2.jolla
- Upgrade to Linaro 4.9 2017.01
- Fixes MER#1985
- Add doc subpackages.
- Fix proper dependency for libstdc++-doc.
- Don’t build documentation for cross packages.
- Disable lto for cross build for now.
- Fix build issue with glibc 2.27.
- Add a build dependency on libgomp. cross-aarch64-gdb Reverted : 8.2.1+git5-1.5.1.jolla — 8.2.1+git5-1.4.6.jolla
- [packaging] Cleanup gdbserver packaging from extra lines.
- [packaging] Drop python3-base from gdbserver.
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Fix a python compilation error ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Improve packaging ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Improve packaging, eliminate binutils conflicts ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Require python3-base.
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Build with Python 3 ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Update to gdb-8.2.1-release ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Add patches to include asm-ptrace.h ;
- [packaging] Add gdb-doc subpackage.
- [cross-armv7hl-gdb] proc service definition change, part of cross-aarch64-sysroot
- Updated : 1.0+git6-1.2.1.jolla — 1.0+git6-1.2.2.jolla
- Fix packaging.
- Add aarch64 support.
- Allow this to be built on x86_64 too
- Add armv7thl port
- Add i486, i586 sysroots and make sure things stay exclusivearch
- Added armv7tnhl architecture cross-armv7hl-binutils
- Updated : 2.32+git2-1.3.1.jolla — 2.32+git3-1.3.3.jolla
- [binutils] Get rid of quilt build-requires.
- [binutils] Remove temp spec file.
- [binutils] Upgrade to 2.32 and switch to tar_git.
- Enable gold for cross-aarch64 and aarch64 builds, fixes MER#1464
- [mer] Add LD_AS_NEEDED functionality back.
- [build] Align changelog entry with tag to please BOSS.
- Align changelog with build tag.
- [packaging] Add separate doc subpackage. cross-armv7hl-gcc
- Updated : 4.9.4-1.4.2.jolla — 4.9.4-1.4.3.jolla
- Upgrade to Linaro 4.9 2017.01
- Fixes MER#1985
- Add doc subpackages.
- Fix proper dependency for libstdc++-doc.
- Don’t build documentation for cross packages.
- Disable lto for cross build for now.
- Fix build issue with glibc 2.27.
- Add a build dependency on libgomp. cross-armv7hl-gdb Reverted : 8.2.1+git5-1.5.1.jolla — 8.2.1+git5-1.4.11.jolla
- [packaging] Cleanup gdbserver packaging from extra lines.
- [packaging] Drop python3-base from gdbserver.
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Fix a python compilation error ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Improve packaging ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Improve packaging, eliminate binutils conflicts ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Require python3-base.
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Build with Python 3 ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Update to gdb-8.2.1-release ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Add patches to include asm-ptrace.h ;
- [packaging] Add gdb-doc subpackage.
- [cross-armv7hl-gdb] proc service definition change, part of cross-armv7hl-sysroot
- Updated : 1.0+git6-1.2.1.jolla — 1.0+git6-1.2.2.jolla
- Fix packaging.
- Add aarch64 support.
- Allow this to be built on x86_64 too
- Add armv7thl port
- Add i486, i586 sysroots and make sure things stay exclusivearch
- Added armv7tnhl architecture cross-glibc-devel-inject
- Updated : 2.28+git4-1.2.1.jolla — 2.28+git5-1.1.16.jolla No new changelog entries! cross-glibc-headers-inject
- Updated : 2.28+git4-1.2.1.jolla — 2.28+git5-1.1.16.jolla No new changelog entries! cross-glibc-inject
- Updated : 2.28+git4-1.2.1.jolla — 2.28+git5-1.1.13.jolla No new changelog entries! cross-i486-binutils
- Updated : 2.32+git2-1.3.1.jolla — 2.32+git3-1.3.3.jolla
- [binutils] Get rid of quilt build-requires.
- [binutils] Remove temp spec file.
- [binutils] Upgrade to 2.32 and switch to tar_git.
- Enable gold for cross-aarch64 and aarch64 builds, fixes MER#1464
- [mer] Add LD_AS_NEEDED functionality back.
- [build] Align changelog entry with tag to please BOSS.
- Align changelog with build tag.
- [packaging] Add separate doc subpackage. cross-i486-gdb Reverted : 8.2.1+git5-1.5.1.jolla — 8.2.1+git5-1.4.6.jolla
- [packaging] Cleanup gdbserver packaging from extra lines.
- [packaging] Drop python3-base from gdbserver.
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Fix a python compilation error ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Improve packaging ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Improve packaging, eliminate binutils conflicts ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Require python3-base.
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Build with Python 3 ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Update to gdb-8.2.1-release ;
- [gdb] [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Add patches to include asm-ptrace.h ;
- [packaging] Add gdb-doc subpackage.
- [cross-armv7hl-gdb] proc service definition change, part of cross-i486-sysroot
- Updated : 1.0+git6-1.2.1.jolla — 1.0+git6-1.2.2.jolla
- Fix packaging.
- Add aarch64 support.
- Allow this to be built on x86_64 too
- Add armv7thl port
- Add i486, i586 sysroots and make sure things stay exclusivearch
- Added armv7tnhl architecture csd
- Updated : 0.16.2-1.21.6.jolla — 0.16.5-1.23.1.jolla
- [csd] Fix correct path for dbus-send.
- [csd] Update to new keepalive api.
- [csd] Use Theme opacity constants. csd-l10n
- Updated : 1.72.1-1.14.1.jolla — 1.75.1-1.16.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched csd from version 1.75
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.16.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review). cutes-qt5
- Updated : 0.9.12+git1-1.2.8.jolla — 0.9.13-1.3.1.jolla
- [cutes] Add #include for functional.
- [cutes] Fix handling return value. cvs
- Updated : 1.11.23-1.1.14.jolla — 1.11.23+git1-1.1.1.jolla
- Fix changelog to pass CI checks.
- Initial import into Moblin
- Removed editor BR
- Set editor as vim by default db4
- Updated : 4.8.30-1.3.14.jolla — 4.8.30-1.4.3.jolla
- Drop ed from build dependencies. dbus
- Updated : 1.10.8+git1-1.2.1.jolla — 1.13.12+git1-1.3.2.jolla
- [dbus] Enable selinux and libaudit support.
- [dbus] Update dbus to 1.13.12. dconf
- Updated : 0.28.0-1.1.5.jolla — 0.28.0+git3-1.2.2.jolla
- [license] Fix license short name in .spec. declarative-transferengine-qt5
- Updated : 0.3.9-1.7.8.jolla — 0.3.11-1.10.1.jolla
- [declarative-transferengine] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [declarative-transferengine] Use Theme opacity constants. declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.83.2-1.17.1.jolla — 1.89.2-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 25 of 25 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched declarative-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.89
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 25 of 25 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.11
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review). droid-config-f5121
- Updated : 1.2.8-1.14.14.jolla — 1.3.0-1.15.7.jolla
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [selinux] Add empty DBus contexts configuration.
- [selinux] Add minimum permissive configs.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [udev] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.
- [patterns] Remove obsoleted sd-utils package.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy. droid-config-f5122
- Updated : 1.2.8-1.14.14.jolla — 1.3.0-1.15.7.jolla
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [selinux] Add empty DBus contexts configuration.
- [selinux] Add minimum permissive configs.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [udev] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.
- [patterns] Remove obsoleted sd-utils package.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy. droid-config-geminipda
- Updated : 0.2.23-1.8.16.jolla — 0.2.25-1.8.4.jolla
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [configs] Use uevent for wired accessory detection.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [udev] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [patterns] Remove obsoleted sd-utils package. droid-config-h3113
- Updated : 0.2.39-1.11.13.jolla — 0.2.48-1.10.17.jolla
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [fingerprint] Remove fingerprint wait workaround.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [sensors] Fix sensor configuration path. MER#1996
- [patterns] Remove udisk2 package from hw pattern.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [ks] Simplify alien img-features.
- [repos] Move to new alien feature model in RnD.
- [flashing] Remove restriction for certain Android version. droid-config-h3213
- Updated : 0.2.39-1.10.14.jolla — 0.2.48-1.9.18.jolla
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [fingerprint] Remove fingerprint wait workaround.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [sensors] Fix sensor configuration path. MER#1996
- [patterns] Remove udisk2 package from hw pattern.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [ks] Simplify alien img-features.
- [repos] Move to new alien feature model in RnD.
- [flashing] Remove restriction for certain Android version. droid-config-h3413
- Updated : 0.2.39-1.9.14.jolla — 0.2.48-1.8.18.jolla
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [fingerprint] Remove fingerprint wait workaround.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [sensors] Fix sensor configuration path. MER#1996
- [patterns] Remove udisk2 package from hw pattern.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [ks] Simplify alien img-features.
- [repos] Move to new alien feature model in RnD.
- [flashing] Remove restriction for certain Android version. droid-config-h4113
- Updated : 0.2.39-1.11.13.jolla — 0.2.48-1.10.18.jolla
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [fingerprint] Remove fingerprint wait workaround.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [sensors] Fix sensor configuration path. MER#1996
- [patterns] Remove udisk2 package from hw pattern.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [ks] Simplify alien img-features.
- [repos] Move to new alien feature model in RnD.
- [flashing] Remove restriction for certain Android version. droid-config-h4213
- Updated : 0.2.39-1.10.14.jolla — 0.2.48-1.9.17.jolla
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [fingerprint] Remove fingerprint wait workaround.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [sensors] Fix sensor configuration path. MER#1996
- [patterns] Remove udisk2 package from hw pattern.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [ks] Simplify alien img-features.
- [repos] Move to new alien feature model in RnD.
- [flashing] Remove restriction for certain Android version. droid-config-h4413
- Updated : 0.2.39-1.9.14.jolla — 0.2.48-1.8.16.jolla
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [fingerprint] Remove fingerprint wait workaround.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [sensors] Fix sensor configuration path. MER#1996
- [patterns] Remove udisk2 package from hw pattern.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [ks] Simplify alien img-features.
- [repos] Move to new alien feature model in RnD.
- [flashing] Remove restriction for certain Android version. droid-config-l500d
- Updated : 0.14.8-1.10.9.jolla — 0.14.12-1.10.3.jolla
- [configs] Add kmod dependency.
- [patterns] Remove obsoleted sd-utils package.
- [l500d] Disable memfd as kernel doesn’t support it.
- [l500d] Load bluetooth firmware only once. droid-config-tbj
- Updated : 0.9.10-1.10.10.jolla — 0.9.12-1.10.1.jolla
- [patterns] Remove obsoleted sd-utils package.
- [tbj] Disable memfd as kernel doesn’t support it. droid-hal-discovery
- Updated : 0.1.8-1.9.1.jolla — 0.1.14-1.9.1.jolla
- [kernel] Enable HIDP support.
- [kernel] Update kernel to 4.4.189 from upstream.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-10538: Fix QualPwn remote vulnerability.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.4.185 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: et51x: Call poll_wait regardless of gpio state.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: et51x: Protect irq_fired with mutex.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: fpc1145: Call poll_wait regardless of gpio state.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: fpc1145: Protect irq_fired with mutex.
- [device/sony/common] do not include the sscrpcd service on legacy devices
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label CASH props and grant access
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label persist.vendor.net
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label vendor-prefixed ES props, grant access
- [device/sony/sepolicy] properties: Sort and increase spacing
- [device/sony/sepolicy] props: Label renamed timeadjust prop
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: core: add property to skip creating extension interface
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: core: fb: add basic detection of the primary display
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: hwc2: Added property to disable skipping client
- [vendor/oss/cash] cashsvr.rc: Use vendor prefix
- [vendor/oss/cash] Use persist.vendor.cash
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Add PRODUCT_PLATFORM_SOD build barrier
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Change static fns to members, drop thisPtr.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Clean up duplicate headers.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Do not report fingerprints when retrieve fails.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Fix indentation inconsistency.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Fully abort authentication when auth_step fails.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Let the service restart the HAL on fatal errors.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Simplify namespace to follow Egistec structure.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Transition to idle state before raising events.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] common: Simplify epoll_event initialization.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Add state cleanup, fix concurrency issues.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Finish line! Implement authentication sequence.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement async enroll loop.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement fingerprint deletion.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement ION buffer allocation and handling.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Initial datastructures, command-ids and TZ set-up.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Initialize rng with a seed that’s not 1.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Nile: Extract thread state management into separate class.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Nile: Use .reserve rather than .resize when allocating prints.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] egistec: Simplify epoll_event initialization.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] fpc_imp: Close event fds when freeing data memory.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] imp: Rewrite capture/wait return values.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] QSEEKeymasterTrustlet: Check status code when retrieving key.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Restructure and namespace HALs in preparation for Ganges Egistec.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Revert „REVERTME: a horrible workaround for the stuck ET51x sensor“
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Continue capturing when return code equals 3.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Keep awake for as long as possible before entering capure state.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Put sensor in awake state before blocking on finger events.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Swap sensor_wake and wait_finger_lost (again), poll on IRQ.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] WorkerThread: Notify handler before entering idle state.
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] timekeep.rc: Drop root privileges
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Use persist.vendor.timeadjust for prop
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: Increase maximum BLOB buffers for HDR.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11477: SACK Panic.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11478: SACK Excess Resource Usage.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11479: Excess Resource Consumption Due to Low MSS Values.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.4.182 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Move some IRQ logging to debug.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Silence some logging from touchscreen driver. droid-hal-discovery-img-boot
- Updated : —
- [initrd] export environment variables for yamui-screensaverd.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-hal-f5121
- Updated : 0.4.5-1.6.1.jolla — 0.5.1-1.7.1.jolla
- [rpm] Update upstream droid-hal-device.
- [device/sailfish/policy] Add Sailfish SELinux policy.
- [external/sepolicy] Sailfish modifications to external sepolicy.
- [kernel/sony/msm] Upstream patch for CVE-2019-11477.
- [kernel/sony/msm] Upstream patch for CVE-2019-11478.
- [kernel/sony/msm] Upstream patch for CVE-2019-11479.
- [system/core] init: Disable SELinux init.
- [kernel/sony/msm] Enable selinux support.
- [rpm] Package SELinux files. droid-hal-f5121-img-boot
- Updated : —
- [f512x] Disable selinux by default.
- [initrd] export environment variables for yamui-screensaverd.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-hal-geminipda-img-boot
- Updated : 0.0.6-1.5.5.jolla — 0.0.8-1.5.3.jolla
- [initrd] export environment variables for yamui-screensaverd.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-hal-l500d
- Updated : 0.0.87-1.8.1.jolla — 0.0.88-1.9.1.jolla
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2019-11477.
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2019-11478.
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2019-11479. droid-hal-l500d-img-boot
- Updated : —
- [initrd] export environment variables for yamui-screensaverd.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-hal-pioneer
- Updated : 0.1.8-1.10.1.jolla — 0.1.14-1.10.1.jolla
- [kernel] Enable HIDP support.
- [kernel] Update kernel to 4.4.189 from upstream.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-10538: Fix QualPwn remote vulnerability.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.4.185 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: et51x: Call poll_wait regardless of gpio state.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: et51x: Protect irq_fired with mutex.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: fpc1145: Call poll_wait regardless of gpio state.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: fpc1145: Protect irq_fired with mutex.
- [device/sony/common] do not include the sscrpcd service on legacy devices
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label CASH props and grant access
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label persist.vendor.net
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label vendor-prefixed ES props, grant access
- [device/sony/sepolicy] properties: Sort and increase spacing
- [device/sony/sepolicy] props: Label renamed timeadjust prop
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: core: add property to skip creating extension interface
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: core: fb: add basic detection of the primary display
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: hwc2: Added property to disable skipping client
- [vendor/oss/cash] cashsvr.rc: Use vendor prefix
- [vendor/oss/cash] Use persist.vendor.cash
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Add PRODUCT_PLATFORM_SOD build barrier
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Change static fns to members, drop thisPtr.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Clean up duplicate headers.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Do not report fingerprints when retrieve fails.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Fix indentation inconsistency.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Fully abort authentication when auth_step fails.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Let the service restart the HAL on fatal errors.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Simplify namespace to follow Egistec structure.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Transition to idle state before raising events.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] common: Simplify epoll_event initialization.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Add state cleanup, fix concurrency issues.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Finish line! Implement authentication sequence.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement async enroll loop.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement fingerprint deletion.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement ION buffer allocation and handling.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Initial datastructures, command-ids and TZ set-up.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Initialize rng with a seed that’s not 1.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Nile: Extract thread state management into separate class.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Nile: Use .reserve rather than .resize when allocating prints.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] egistec: Simplify epoll_event initialization.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] fpc_imp: Close event fds when freeing data memory.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] imp: Rewrite capture/wait return values.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] QSEEKeymasterTrustlet: Check status code when retrieving key.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Restructure and namespace HALs in preparation for Ganges Egistec.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Revert „REVERTME: a horrible workaround for the stuck ET51x sensor“
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Continue capturing when return code equals 3.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Keep awake for as long as possible before entering capure state.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Put sensor in awake state before blocking on finger events.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Swap sensor_wake and wait_finger_lost (again), poll on IRQ.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] WorkerThread: Notify handler before entering idle state.
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] timekeep.rc: Drop root privileges
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Use persist.vendor.timeadjust for prop
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: Increase maximum BLOB buffers for HDR.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11477: SACK Panic.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11478: SACK Excess Resource Usage.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11479: Excess Resource Consumption Due to Low MSS Values.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.4.182 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Move some IRQ logging to debug.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Silence some logging from touchscreen driver. droid-hal-pioneer-img-boot
- Updated : —
- [initrd] export environment variables for yamui-screensaverd.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-hal-tbj-img-boot
- Updated : —
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-hal-voyager
- Updated : 0.1.8-1.8.1.jolla — 0.1.14-1.8.1.jolla
- [kernel] Enable HIDP support.
- [kernel] Update kernel to 4.4.189 from upstream.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-10538: Fix QualPwn remote vulnerability.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.4.185 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: et51x: Call poll_wait regardless of gpio state.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: et51x: Protect irq_fired with mutex.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: fpc1145: Call poll_wait regardless of gpio state.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] input: misc: fpc1145: Protect irq_fired with mutex.
- [device/sony/common] do not include the sscrpcd service on legacy devices
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label CASH props and grant access
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label persist.vendor.net
- [device/sony/sepolicy] Label vendor-prefixed ES props, grant access
- [device/sony/sepolicy] properties: Sort and increase spacing
- [device/sony/sepolicy] props: Label renamed timeadjust prop
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: core: add property to skip creating extension interface
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: core: fb: add basic detection of the primary display
- [hardware/qcom/display/sde] sdm: hwc2: Added property to disable skipping client
- [vendor/oss/cash] cashsvr.rc: Use vendor prefix
- [vendor/oss/cash] Use persist.vendor.cash
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Add PRODUCT_PLATFORM_SOD build barrier
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Change static fns to members, drop thisPtr.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Clean up duplicate headers.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Do not report fingerprints when retrieve fails.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Fix indentation inconsistency.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Fully abort authentication when auth_step fails.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Let the service restart the HAL on fatal errors.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Simplify namespace to follow Egistec structure.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] BiometricsFingerprint: Transition to idle state before raising events.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] common: Simplify epoll_event initialization.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Add state cleanup, fix concurrency issues.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Finish line! Implement authentication sequence.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement async enroll loop.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement fingerprint deletion.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Implement ION buffer allocation and handling.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Initial datastructures, command-ids and TZ set-up.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Ganges: Initialize rng with a seed that’s not 1.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Nile: Extract thread state management into separate class.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Egistec: Nile: Use .reserve rather than .resize when allocating prints.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] egistec: Simplify epoll_event initialization.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] fpc_imp: Close event fds when freeing data memory.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] imp: Rewrite capture/wait return values.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] QSEEKeymasterTrustlet: Check status code when retrieving key.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Restructure and namespace HALs in preparation for Ganges Egistec.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Revert „REVERTME: a horrible workaround for the stuck ET51x sensor“
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Continue capturing when return code equals 3.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Keep awake for as long as possible before entering capure state.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Put sensor in awake state before blocking on finger events.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] tama: Swap sensor_wake and wait_finger_lost (again), poll on IRQ.
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] WorkerThread: Notify handler before entering idle state.
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] timekeep.rc: Drop root privileges
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Use persist.vendor.timeadjust for prop
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: Increase maximum BLOB buffers for HDR.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11477: SACK Panic.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11478: SACK Excess Resource Usage.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] CVE-2019-11479: Excess Resource Consumption Due to Low MSS Values.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.4.182 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Move some IRQ logging to debug.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Silence some logging from touchscreen driver. droid-hal-voyager-img-boot
- Updated : —
- [initrd] export environment variables for yamui-screensaverd.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule. droid-system-discovery
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.3-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-discovery-h3213
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.3-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-discovery-h4213
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.3-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-pioneer
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.5.3.jolla — 0.1.4-1.6.1.jolla
- [rpm] fix packaging bit.
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-pioneer-h3113
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.5.3.jolla — 0.1.4-1.6.1.jolla
- [rpm] fix packaging bit.
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-pioneer-h4113
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.5.3.jolla — 0.1.4-1.6.1.jolla
- [rpm] fix packaging bit.
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-discovery
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-discovery-h3213
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-discovery-h4213
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-pioneer
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h3113
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h4113
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-voyager
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-voyager-h3413
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-vendor-voyager-h4413
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-voyager
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.3-1.4.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-voyager-h3413
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.3-1.4.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droid-system-voyager-h4413
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.3-1.4.1.jolla
- [bsp] update from upstream changes on 20190731.
- [dsd] Add patch support for copy_system.sh script.
- [dsd] fixup some more android 8 permissions.
- [dsd] Include remove-unused.sh helper from the correct path.
- [dsd] remove all apk files.
- [dsd] Try ro.product.vendor.name if ro.vendor.product.name isn’t there
- [helpers] Add general patch for /dev/net permissions.
- [helpers] Add secilc and fs_config_dirs to fixup permissions.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined. droidmedia
- Updated : 0.20190307.0-1.14.1.jolla — 0.20190828.0-1.17.1.jolla
- [droidmedia] add two functions which where introduced between android-9.0.0_r37 and android-9.0.0_r44.
- [build] Remove hardcoded path to allow relocating the tree
- [build] Remove hardcoded path to allow relocating the tree. Fixes MER#2050
- [droidmedia] Fix build on older Android versions. MER#2045
- [android9] Add a fake activity manager service. MER#2045
- [droidmedia] Fix errors in size of logged variables. MER#2045
- [android9] Add support for Android 9 based devices. dsme
- Updated : 0.79.6-1.9.1.jolla — 0.79.8-1.9.1.jolla
- [dsme] Work around snprintf() warnings.
- [dsme] Remove python dependency. e2fsprogs
- Updated : 1.45.0+git1-1.3.9.jolla — 1.45.0+git3-1.5.1.jolla
- [e2fsprogs] Disable default metadata_csum from ext4 config
- [packaging] Update config as per policy. eventsview-extensions-l10n
- Updated : 1.22.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.23.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched eventsview-extensions from version 1.23
- [l10n] spec file updated expat
- Updated : 2.1.0-1.1.12.jolla — 2.2.7+git1-1.2.3.jolla
- [expat] Update to expat 2.2.7.
- Add aarch64 support. feature-alien
- Updated : 0.1.0-1.2.24.jolla — 0.3.0-1.3.1.jolla
- [feature] Use packages instead of patterns.
- [repos] Move to new repo structure in RnD. ffmpeg
- Updated : 4.1.1+git1-1.1.3.jolla — 4.1.1+git2-1.2.1.jolla
- [license] Fix license short name in .spec file. fontconfig
- Updated : 2.12.4-1.3.1.jolla — 2.13.1+git1-1.3.3.jolla
- [font-config] Update to 2.13.1 and cleanup packaging. freetype
- Updated : 2.8.0-1.1.10.jolla — 2.10.0+git2-1.2.2.jolla
- [packaging] Put freetype-config back in freetype-devel.
- [packaging] Fix patch and version number.
- [update] Update to version 2.10.0. fuse
- Updated : 2.9.0+git1-1.3.4.jolla — 2.9.9-1.3.3.jolla
- [update] Update fuse to 2.9.9. gawk
- Updated : 3.1.5-1.3.3.jolla — 3.1.5-1.4.3.jolla
- [packaging] Drop not needed flex dep. gcc
- Updated : 4.9.4-1.4.1.jolla — 4.9.4-1.4.2.jolla
- Add a build dependency on libgomp. gettext
- Updated : —
- [gettext] Remove html docs which use groff.
- [license] Fix license strings in the packaging.
- [packaging] Add dep to gettext and xz to the -devel package. gittin
- Updated : 0.1.3-1.2.7.jolla — 0.1.3-1.3.1.jolla
- [license] Fix license string and update URL. glibc
- Updated : 2.28+git4-1.7.1.jolla — 2.28+git5-1.6.5.jolla
- Get rid of quilt build-requires. grilo-qt5
- Updated : 0.1.13-1.3.7.jolla — 0.1.13+git1-1.4.1.jolla
- [qtgrilo] Update plugins.qmltypes. gstreamer1.0-droid
- Updated : 0.20190506.0-1.11.1.jolla — 0.20190805.0-1.12.1.jolla
- [droidcamsrc] check for connect failure before get color format
- [droidcamsrc] check for connect failure before get color format. MER#2051 gtest
- Updated : — 1.8.1-1.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : libgmock-doc – 1.8.1-1.3.1.jolla, libgmock – 1.8.1-1.3.1.jolla, gtest-doc – 1.8.1-1.3.1.jolla, gtest – 1.8.1-1.3.1.jolla Binaries removed : libgtest0
- [gtest] Upgrade to latest upstream 1.8.1.
- [gtest] Rename gmock to libgmock. hwdata
- Updated : 0.291+git1-1.1.10.jolla — 0.326-1.2.2.jolla
- [packaging] Drop dependency to module-init-tools.
- [update] Update to version 0.326 hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-hal
- Updated : 0.10.13-1.1.2.jolla —
- [hybrisadaptor] Do not activate sensors during initialization.
- [iioadaptor] Allow overriding iioDevices‘ scaling factor
- [iioadaptor] Allow overriding iioDevices‘ scaling factor. Fixes MER#2053 initrd-helpers
- Updated : 0.1.8-1.3.1.jolla — 0.1.10-1.4.1.jolla
- [factory-reset] Update README.
- [factory-reset] Pick factory image directory with regex. iw
- Updated : 4.1+git2-1.2.6.jolla — 5.0.1+git1-1.3.1.jolla
- [update] Update to version 5.0.1. jolla-alarm-ui
- Updated : 0.2.4-1.4.2.jolla — 0.2.7-1.7.1.jolla
- [alarm-ui] Add support for seconds.
- [alarm-ui] Add support for timer seconds.
- [alarms] Add a call reminder dialog.
- [alarms] Show a contact card for the call option.
- [alarmui] Use Theme opacity constants. jolla-alarm-ui-l10n
- Updated : 1.53.4-1.11.1.jolla — 1.67.2-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-alarm-ui from version 1.67
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-calculator
- Updated : 1.0.1-1.6.1.jolla — 1.0.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [jolla-calculator] Use Theme opacity constants. jolla-calculator-l10n
- Updated : 1.60.1-1.11.1.jolla — 1.61.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-calculator from version 1.61
- [l10n] spec file updated jolla-calendar
- Updated : 0.9.4-1.17.1.jolla — 0.9.11-1.19.1.jolla
- [calendar] Fix refresh not syncing calendars, part 2.
- [jolla-calendar] Fix refresh action.
- [jolla-calendar] Properly honour the unconditional refresh of all calendars.
- [calendar] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [calendar] Avoid syncing all calendars when one is modified.
- [jolla-calendar] Trigger synchronization only for modified (or deleted) calendars.
- [jolla-calendar] Use a thread to fetch the account ids from notebooks.
- [jolla-calendar] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [jolla-calendar] Disable instead of hiding people invite action on local calendars.
- [jolla-calendar] Use auto-fill in event editor. jolla-calendar-l10n
- Updated : 1.190.1-1.21.1.jolla — 1.193.2-1.22.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 109 of 109 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-calendar from version 1.193
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 109 of 109 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 110 of 110 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 110 of 110 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-camera
- Updated : 1.0.18-1.14.1.jolla — 1.0.24-1.14.1.jolla
- [settings-camera] Use external storages populated when checking active save target.
- [camera] Use keepalive directly.
- [camera-settings] Pick correctly the saved storage media.
- [jolla-camera] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [camera] Use OS name from AboutSettings.
- [camera] Extend mode hint duration. jolla-camera-l10n
- Updated : 1.164.2-1.20.1.jolla — 1.176.2-1.22.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-camera from version 1.176
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.22
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.24
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.20
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-clock
- Updated : 0.5.3-1.7.2.jolla — 1.1.0-1.11.1.jolla
- [jolla-clock] Allow selecting seconds in timer.
- [clock] Allow reseting all timers.
- [jolla-clock] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [jolla-clock] Assign TabButton tabIndex explicitly.
- [jolla-clock] Attach stopwatch laptime clickable area to flickable origin.
- [jolla-clock] Adapt to TabView changes.
- [jolla-clock] Introduce snooze duration settings. jolla-clock-l10n
- Updated : 1.123.2-1.16.1.jolla — 1.129.3-1.17.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 43 of 43 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-clock from version 1.129
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 42 of 42 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 39 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-contacts
- Updated : 0.5.35-1.15.1.jolla — 0.5.41-1.16.1.jolla
- [wizard] Make links on LinkButtons customizable.
- [contacts] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [contacts] Fix Google account setup link.
- [contacts] Use only article ids in the help links.
- [contacts] Adapt to contact property selection changes.
- [contacts] Bump dependency.
- [jolla-contacts] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [jolla-contacts] Delete people via bulk removal operation. jolla-contacts-l10n
- Updated : 1.146.2-1.18.1.jolla — 1.153.2-1.21.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 74 of 74 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-contacts from version 1.153
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 74 of 74 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.41
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 74 of 74 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.40
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 74 of 74 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.38
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 74 of 74 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.34
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.35 jolla-developer-mode
- Updated : 0.5.12-1.7.1.jolla — 0.5.13-1.8.2.jolla
- [jolla-developer-mode] Suggest busybox-symlinks-tar. jolla-devicelock
- Updated : 0.2.29-1.8.6.jolla — 0.2.34-1.8.4.jolla
- [devicelock] Don’t reset config when changing security code when home is encrypted.
- [jolla-devicelock] Add support for updating key.
- [jolla-devicelock] Add support updating key.
- [devicelock] Encryption service path fix.
- [devicelock] Treat temporary key as not set security code.
- [devicelock] Do not own device lock data files. jolla-devicelock-l10n
- Updated : 1.37.1-1.5.1.jolla — 1.39.2-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-devicelock from version 1.39
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-email
- Updated : 0.5.6-1.18.1.jolla — 0.5.14-1.21.1.jolla
- [email] Sync folder always when entering to a folder.
- [jolla-email] Copyright texts update
- [email] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [jolla-email] Update email recipients when pulley menu is opened.
- [jolla-email] Update sailfish-component-contacts dependency.
- [jolla-email] Fix enter key hide action.
- [jolla-email] Update email list models when system date changes.
- [jolla-email] Fix email deletions when multiple remorse timers are in progress.
- [jolla-email] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [jolla-email] Fix attachment handling when executed via xdg-open.
- [jolla-email] Keep the attachment parameter to avoid breaking apps. jolla-email-l10n
- Updated : 1.227.3-1.23.1.jolla — 1.237.3-1.26.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 226 of 226 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-email from version 1.237
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 226 of 226 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.14
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 227 of 227 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.12
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.13
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 227 of 227 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.10
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.11
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 227 of 227 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 227 of 227 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 227 of 227 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-gallery
- Updated : 1.0.6-1.14.3.jolla — 1.0.9-1.16.1.jolla
Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [mime] Play webm, mkv, mov, m4v, avi and flv videos with Gallery.
- [jolla-gallery] Use Theme opacity constants. jolla-gallery-ambience
- Updated : 0.2.23-1.11.1.jolla — 0.2.26-1.14.1.jolla
- [ambience] Get wallpaper overlay colors from the palette.
- [ambience] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [ambience] Fix ambience list item expansion when a context menu is opened. jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n
- Updated : 1.109.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.113.2-1.18.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-ambience from version 1.113
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.26
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.24
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n
- Updated : 1.34.1-1.13.1.jolla — 1.35.1-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-extensions from version 1.35
- [l10n] spec file updated jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n
- Updated : 1.59.2-1.11.1.jolla — 1.62.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-facebook from version 1.62
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-gallery-l10n
- Updated : 1.134.1-1.19.1.jolla — 1.138.2-1.21.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 17 of 17 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery from version 1.138
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 17 of 17 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.9
- [l10n] spec file updated jolla-keyboard
- Updated : 0.7.6-1.13.1.jolla — 0.7.12-1.15.1.jolla
- [keyboard] Reset autofill suggestion removal on input.
- [jolla-keyboard] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [jolla-keyboard] Do not mix loader and animator.
- [jolla-keyboard] Fix null reference warning.
- [keyboard] Fix vertical prediction bar drawing outside its area.
- [keyboard] Show application provided input suggestions. jolla-keyboard-l10n
- Updated : 1.66.1-1.18.1.jolla — 1.70.2-1.21.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-keyboard from version 1.70
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.11
- [l10n] spec file updated jolla-mediaplayer
- Updated : 1.0.5-1.11.2.jolla — 1.0.9-1.13.1.jolla
- [jolla-mediaplayer] Adapt to vault library changes.
- [mime] Added extra mpeg4 audio mimetypes: m4r and m4b.
- [mediaplayer] Fix playlist colors.
- [mediaplayer] Use Theme opacity constants. jolla-mediaplayer-l10n
- Updated : 1.108.1-1.17.1.jolla — 1.111.1-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer from version 1.111
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 64 of 64 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 64 of 64 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n
- Updated : 1.52.2-1.13.1.jolla — 1.54.1-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer-radio from version 1.54
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-messages
- Updated : 1.0.17-1.22.1.jolla — 1.0.22-1.18.1.jolla
- [messages] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [messages] Use new contact icon in ConversationHeader.
- [messages] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [messages] Add MessageComposerPage.
- [messages] Add Sailfish.Messages module.
- [messages] Avoid warning about TextLayoutModel maximumLineCount binding loop
- [messages] Don’t update people in conversation unless it is has been initialized
- [messages] Move draft and conversation features out of ChatTextInput.
- [messages] Ensure message margin moves with draft icon. jolla-messages-l10n
- Updated : 1.150.1-1.17.1.jolla — 1.159.3-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 104 of 107 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 92 of 107 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-messages from version 1.159
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 107 of 107 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 87 of 109 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 109 of 109 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.18
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.19
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.20
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 88 of 88 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.17 jolla-notes
- Updated : 0.9.16-1.8.2.jolla — 0.9.21-1.11.1.jolla
- [notes] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [notes] Adapt to vault library changes.
- [notes] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [notes] Fix search option visibility and focus.
- [notes] Drop dependency on sqlite3 ; jolla-notes-l10n
- Updated : 1.78.1-1.13.1.jolla — 1.85.2-1.17.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-notes from version 1.85
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.21
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-sessions-qt5
- Updated : 1.2.4-1.7.1.jolla — 1.2.5-1.6.1.jolla
- [jolla-sessions] Add create-home.
- [jolla-sessions] Add Qt project file jolla-settings
- Updated : 1.0.2-1.14.1.jolla — 1.0.4-1.13.1.jolla
- [jolla-settings] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [settings] Use OS name from AboutSettings. jolla-settings-accounts
- Updated : 0.3.56-1.15.1.jolla — 0.3.61-1.17.1.jolla
- [settings-accounts] Update remorse usage to the new design.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Ensure correct percent encoding for paths.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Ensure that calendar model is kept up-to-date when the underlying account is changed.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Use Theme constants for opacity.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Use OS name from AboutSettings.
- [settings-accounts] Use example.com instead of server.com. jolla-settings-accounts-l10n
- Updated : 1.218.2-1.19.1.jolla — 1.230.2-1.22.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 346 of 346 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-accounts from version 1.230
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 346 of 346 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.62
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 346 of 346 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.60
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.61
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 345 of 346 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 346 of 346 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.58
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 346 of 346 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n
- Updated : 1.97.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.99.2-1.18.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-bluetooth from version 1.99
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-settings-l10n
- Updated : 1.107.1-1.16.1.jolla — 1.115.2-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings from version 1.115
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.3 jolla-settings-networking
- Updated : 0.5.52-1.25.1.jolla — 0.5.58-1.25.1.jolla
- [settings-networking] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [settings-networking] Bump keepalive import to api stable version.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [jolla-settings-network] Add EAP settings to edit page.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Add EAP settings to edit page.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Increase allotted time for hidden networks to be discovered.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Use OS name from AboutSettings. jolla-settings-networking-l10n
- Updated : 1.286.2-1.25.1.jolla — 1.301.2-1.27.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-networking from version 1.301
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.58
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.55
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.53
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.50
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.51
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.52
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.48
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.49
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 429 of 429 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.47 jolla-settings-sailfishos
- Updated : 0.2.11-1.12.6.jolla — 0.2.12-1.12.1.jolla
- [jolla-settings-sailfishos] Use Theme opacity constants. jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n
- Updated : 1.95.2-1.17.1.jolla — 1.99.2-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sailfishos from version 1.99
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-settings-sdk
- Updated : 0.25-1.5.47.jolla — 0.26.1-1.7.1.jolla
- [sdk] Cherry-picked changes from the upgrade-3.2.0 branch of jolla-settings-system.
- [sdk] Rebased onto ui-jolla-settings-system v1.0.57. jolla-settings-sync-l10n
- Updated : 1.51.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.53.2-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sync from version 1.53
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-settings-system
- Updated : 1.0.46-1.33.4.jolla —
- [jolla-settings-system] Convert SIM PIN query pages into items.
- [about] Use localized OS name.
- [jolla-settings-system] Replace deprecated import with FileManager.
- [developermode] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [developermode] Add new remorse hints to the hint reset list.
- [settings-system] Fix contradicting translation sources.
- [jolla-settings-system] Expose about license ambience and gallery translations.
- [location] Add missing setting of location accuracy when usage terms have already been agreed.
- [jolla-settings-system] Storage to stop offering format menu item if mounted.
- [settings-system] Hide Presence item if no accounts with presence set.
- [location] Don’t change location accuracy unexpectedly when accepting usage agreements.
- [jolla-settings-system] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [settings-devicelock] Cleanup device lock code.
- [settings-devicelock] Expose security code property.
- [jolla-settings-system] Treat encrypted home as device lock set. jolla-settings-system-l10n
- Updated : 1.420.3-1.31.1.jolla — 1.430.2-1.31.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 524 of 524 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-system from version 1.430
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 524 of 524 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.58
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 524 of 524 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.57
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 524 of 524 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.55
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 521 of 521 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.53
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.54
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 518 of 518 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.47
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.48
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.50
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.51
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 533 of 533 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-signon-ui-l10n
- Updated : 1.39.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.41.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-signon-ui from version 1.41
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-startupwizard
- Updated : 0.4.12-1.18.1.jolla —
- [startupwizard] Embed SIM PIN query notices inside pages.
- [startupwizard] Improve dot-files handling to prevent hangs.
- [startupwizard] Change text in connection selector more account neutral.
- [startupwizard] Cleanup apps and post apps steps.
- [pre-user-session] Fix MdmTermsOfUseDialog title translation.
- [pre-user-session] Do not call encrypt until user has accepted terms
- [pre-user-session] Fix black screen when marker is removed.
- [startupwizard] Remove leftover references to terms of use party.
- [jolla-startupwizard] Encryption status fix.
- [jolla-startupwizard] Lazy load EncryptionService.
- [jolla-startupwizard] Remove encryption status and use it from sailfish-device-encryption instaed.
- [startupwizard] Move encryption marker file handling to device-encryption.
- [startupwizard] Add better guarding for encryption marker file.
- [jolla-startupwizard] Make it possible to skip security code.
- [pre-user-session] Change BeginEncryption arguments.
- [pre-user-session] Change encryption arguments. jolla-startupwizard-l10n
- Updated : 1.180.1-1.20.1.jolla — 1.184.4-1.23.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 48 of 48 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-startupwizard from version 1.184
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 48 of 48 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 47 of 47 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.15
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.18
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.19 jolla-vault
- Updated : 0.5.5-1.8.1.jolla — 1.0.3-1.10.1.jolla
- [vault] Extend BackupUtils API to list backups for other OS.
- [vault] Add spaces to qmlinfo.
- [settings-backup] Use external storages populated for backup and restore targets.
- [vault] Build with qmake.
- [vault] Remove dependencies on vault CLI and NemoMobile.Vault module.
- [vault] Remove UI feature for migration of legacy backups.
- [vault] Restore ssu-devel dependency. jolla-vault-l10n
- Updated : 1.117.2-1.15.1.jolla — 1.121.2-1.17.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 73 of 73 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-vault from version 1.121
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 73 of 73 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review). jolla-xt9
- Updated : 0.5.9-1.2.2.jolla — 0.5.10-1.3.1.jolla
- [xt9] Show application provided input suggestions in empty fields. kcalcore-qt5
- Updated : 4.10.2+9git17-1.3.12.jolla — 4.10.2+9git18-1.4.1.jolla
- [kcalcore] Don’t set hasEndDate for events with invalid end date. kernel-adaptation-pc
- Updated : 5.0.21-1.5.1.jolla — 5.0.21+git2-1.4.1.jolla
- [sailfish] Changed processor family from Atom to generic 686. kf5bluezqt-bluez4
- Updated : 5.24.0+git15-1.2.15.jolla — 5.24.0+git17-1.4.1.jolla
- [bluez-qt] Fix return value type.
- [license] Fix license strings, update URL. kf5bluezqt-bluez5
- Updated : 5.24.0+git15-1.2.15.jolla — 5.24.0+git17-1.4.1.jolla
- [bluez-qt] Fix return value type.
- [license] Fix license strings, update URL. libcap-ng
- Updated : 0.7.9+git1-1.2.1.jolla — 0.7.9+git2-1.2.4.jolla
- [packaging] python2 build-dependency and bindings removed. libcontacts-qt5
- Updated : 0.2.5-1.5.1.jolla — 0.2.6-1.7.1.jolla
- [libcontacts] Update section bucket index cache after deletions. libcontacts-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.17.1-1.6.1.jolla — 1.20.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched libcontacts-qt5 from version 1.20
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review). libdres
- Updated : 1.1.14-1.2.1.jolla — 1.1.15-1.3.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license string, update URL. libdsme
- Updated : 0.66.1-1.4.6.jolla — 0.66.2-1.5.2.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL. libgbinder-radio
- Updated : 1.0.6-1.3.1.jolla — 1.0.8-1.4.1.jolla
- [gbinder-radio] Added RADIO_DEVICE_STATE enum.
- [gbinder-radio] Added enabled attribute to RadioInstance. libglibutil
- Updated : 1.0.35-1.8.6.jolla — 1.0.39-1.10.1.jolla
- [build] Allow use of CC defined by build system.
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [glibutil] Added gutil_data_has_prefix() and gutil_data_has_suffix()
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [glibutil] Added gutil_bytes_concat() and gutil_bytes_xor()
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [glibutil] Don’t nullify default log name in gutil_log_set_type()
- [glibutil] Handle empty log prefix as no prefix at all
- [glibutil] Link tests with static variant of the library
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [test] Added /log/file test
- [windows] Added test_log.dsp libgrilio
- Updated : 1.0.32-1.9.1.jolla — 1.0.36-1.11.1.jolla
- [build] Allow use of CC defined by build system.
- [libgrilio] Added enabled attribute to GRilIoChannel.
- [libgrilio] Fixed the case of request being completed twice. MER#1438
- [test] Added test case for request stuck in the process of being sent
- [libgrilio] Ignore zero id in grilio_transport_release_id(). MER#1438 libgsf
- Updated : 1.14.36+git3-1.2.3.jolla — 1.14.36+git4-1.3.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license string, update URL. libgsupplicant
- Updated : 1.0.13-1.7.1.jolla — 1.0.14-1.6.2.jolla
- [gsupplicant] Plugged GSupplicant reference leak.
- [license] Refreshed licence libhybris
- Updated : —
- [libhybris] update submodule for initial android 9 support.
- [libhybris] Update submodule for initial Android 9 support. libiodata-qt5
- Updated : 0.19.10-1.2.4.jolla — 0.19.10+git2-1.3.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license string, update URL. libjollasignonuiservice-qt5
- Updated : 0.4.8-1.8.1.jolla — 0.4.9-1.8.1.jolla
- [libjollasignonui] Increase server timeout to 5 minutes.
- [libjollasignonui] Load Dropbox login in external browser also for update. libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.27.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.33.2-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched libjollasignonuiservice-qt5 from version 1.33
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.8 libkeepalive
- Updated : 1.7.0-1.6.1.jolla — 1.7.2-1.7.2.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license string, update URL.
- [nemo-keepalive] Remove 1.0 api and legacy name. libmce-glib
- Updated : 1.0.5-1.1.17.jolla — 1.0.7-1.2.1.jolla
- [build] Allow use of CC & LDFLAGS defined by build system.
- [libmce-glib] Added MceBattery object.
- [libmce-glib] Added MceCharger object.
- [libmce-glib] Tweaked makefile dependencies
- [libmce-glib] Version 1.0.6 libmce-qt5
- Updated : 1.1.1-1.3.4.jolla — 1.2.0-1.4.1.jolla
- [mce-qt] Add support for call state tracking.
- [mce-qt] Add support for charger type tracking. libmlocale-qt5
- Updated : 0.7.0-1.2.4.jolla — 0.7.1-1.5.1.jolla
- [libmlocale] Handle bucketing for locales with conflicting data
- [packaging] Fix license string, update URL. libnl
- Updated : 3.4.0-1.2.8.jolla — 3.4.0+git2-1.3.2.jolla
- [license] Fix license short name in .spec file. libqofono-qt5
- Updated : 0.96-1.5.1.jolla — 0.98-1.4.1.jolla
- [license] Fix license string.
- [libqofono] Added „country“ property to OfonoNetworkRegistration.
- [libqofono] Eliminate dependency on QtXmlPatterns. MER#1963
- [libqofono] Updated MCC -> country mapping. MER#1963 libqofonoext
- Updated : 1.0.23-1.4.12.jolla — 1.0.24-1.5.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license string, update URL. libsailfishapp
- Updated : 1.2.9-1.4.2.jolla — 1.2.10-1.5.1.jolla
- [license] Fix license in spec. libsailfishkeyprovider
- Updated : 0.0.14-1.1.15.jolla — 1.0.1-1.2.1.jolla
- [libsailfishkeyprovider] Don’t hardcode user name.
- [libsailfishkeyprovider] Properly link package and .pc version. libselinux
- Updated : 2.8+git1-1.2.1.jolla — 2.8+git2-1.2.2.jolla
- [libselinux] Disable X label backend.
- [libselinux] Enable Android property label backend. libsocialcache
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [libsocialcache] Update plugins.qmltypes. libsoup
- Updated : 2.54.1+git3-1.2.7.jolla — 2.54.1+git6-1.3.2.jolla
- [packaging] Fix submodule path.
- [packaging] reintroduce gnome-common build dep.
- [packaging] Drop extra build requires. libtasn1
- Updated : 4.13+git1-1.3.11.jolla — 4.13+git2-1.4.3.jolla
- [license] Fix license short name in .spec file. libtrace
- Updated : 1.1.8+git1-1.3.4.jolla — 1.1.8+git2-1.3.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL. libuser
- Updated : 0.62+git1-1.2.7.jolla — 0.62+git2-1.3.2.jolla
- [packaging] Drop build dependency to cvs. Contribute to libzypp
- Updated : 17.3.1+git4-1.6.4.jolla — 17.9.0-1.8.1.jolla
- [libzypp] Upgrade to 17.9.0.
- [packaging] Drop expat build dep.
- [packaging] Drop udev dependency. lipstick-jolla-home-qt5
- Updated : —
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Use default colours on SIM PIN entry notices.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix background for alarm/call system dialogs.
- [homescreen] Remove uses of backgroundOpacity from GlassBackground.
- [lipstick-connectivity] Support OpenVPN Private Key password translation.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align uninstallation action name with Store.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix background for CallEndedDialog.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Guard rootItem statusBarPushDownY property check.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Use OS name from AboutSettings.
- [lipstick-connectivity] Fix connection selector save button regression.
- [lipstick] Volume control bar correct work on the screen when adjusting it with 3 fingers.
- [lipstick-jolla] Handle Link type icons.
- [components] Add SystemDialogHeader titleTextFormat.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [nfc] Handle Text NDEF records.
- [connection-selector] Don’t remove added networks on connection failure.
- [connection-selector] Fix hidden->visible network name mangling.
- [connection-selector] Improve hidden WLAN network handling.
- [connection-selector] Increase allotted time for hidden networks to be discovered.
- [lipstick-jolla] Remove needsConnectionServices leftovers.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix invalid accept margins.
- [peekfilter] Fix invalid accept margins.
- [connection-selector] Add enterprise options to hidden network connecting. Contributes to:
- [connection-selector] Wait for a hidden network to be discovered.
- [lipstick-jolla] Fix weather advertisement 0 height.
- [connection-selector] Fix non eap enabled state.
- [connection-selector] Add missing field passing.
- [connection-selector] Disable accept if fields not filled.
- [homescreen] Coordinate global and app hints. lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.331.2-1.26.1.jolla — 1.342.2-1.27.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 246 of 246 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 from version 1.342
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 245 of 245 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.67
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 244 of 245 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 245 of 245 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.61
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.64
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 245 of 245 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.57
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 245 of 245 strings translated (0 need review). lipstick-qt5
- Updated : 0.34.0-1.14.5.jolla — 0.34.3-1.16.1.jolla
- [compositor] Fix incorrect variable type.
- [lipstick] Add option to keep VPN agent creds.
- [batterynotifier] Rewrite battery notification logic.
- [notificationmanager] Simplify unique notification identifiers allocator lipstick-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.82.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.84.1-1.16.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched lipstick-qt5 from version 1.84
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.34.1 lua
- Updated : 5.1.5-1.1.13.jolla — 5.3.5-1.2.3.jolla
- [lua] Update lua to 5.3.5.
- Fixes CVE-2014-5461, CVE-2019-6706
- [lua] Make sure rpm dependencies do not break during upgrade.
- Update to 5.1.5
- Applied Autotoolized Lua patch (5.1.5) from http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaPowerPatches modified to correct references to 5.1.3
- Fixes MER#354: update lua to 5.1.5
- Fixes MER#203 Unexistent liblua-devel package in lua.spec dependencies make
- Updated : 4.2.1-1.2.3.jolla — 4.2.1-1.3.2.jolla
- [make] Drop dependency procps. maliit-framework-wayland
- Updated : 0.99.1+git4-1.3.4.jolla — 0.99.1+git5-1.4.1.jolla
- [maliit] Forward arbitrary extension properties to QML input methods. mce
- Updated : 1.100.7-1.19.1.jolla — 1.103.0-1.21.1.jolla
- [display] Add missing local function prototypes
- [display] Add wait state to compositor switchover.
- [display] Flush cached brightness when adjustment fails.
- [dummy_compositor] Add exit-on-enable option.
- [mce-hybris] Enablers for masking hybris plugin features.
- [display] Trigger extra blanking delay during bootup.
- [battery-udev] Make charger type available on D-Bus.
- [dummy_compositor] Implement dummy compositor D-Bus service. mce-headers
- Updated : 1.26.0-1.4.7.jolla — 1.27.0-1.6.1.jolla
- [mce] Add charger type D-Bus constants.
- [mce-dev] fix license and website.
- [mce-dev] fix url. mce-plugin-libhybris
- Updated : 1.12.3-1.4.23.jolla — 1.14.1-1.5.1.jolla
- [hybris-fb] Fix obs build errors on old targets.
- [hybris-fb] Add support for android hwc2 interface.
- [binary-led] Support configurable on/off values. Fixes MER#1813
- [config] Allow regular string values to be defined in config files meego-rpm-config
- Updated : 0.18-1.2.8.jolla — 0.18-1.3.3.jolla
- [macros] Use multithreaded xz compression by default.
- [packaging] Use multithreaded xz compression by default. mer-core-project-config
- Updated : 0.2.14-1.10.2.jolla — 0.3.7-1.12.1.jolla
- [mer-core] Reintroduce grep Preinstall.
- [prjconf] Add busybox and busybox-symlinks-which.
- [core] Ignore rpm:curl.
- [prjconf] Remove groff from Support and Keep.
- [mer-core] Add few ignores to break cycles.
- [mer-core] Check remaining Preinstalls.
- [mer-core] Drop few extra Prefer’s.
- [mer-core] Drop few old Ignores from MeeGo times.
- [mer-core] Use genmetaalgo.
- [mer-core] Add Prefer: tar.
- [mer-core] Add Keep xz.
- [mer-core]
- [prjconf] Fix mer:core build by preferring cpio;
- [prjconf] Prefer GNU cpio; mer-qdoc-template
- Updated : 0.0.4-1.1.15.jolla — 0.0.5-1.2.1.jolla
- [mer-qdoc-template] Let qdoc ignore Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY.
- [mer-qdoc-template] Sync common configs with QtBase 5.6. mic
- Updated : 0.14+git6-1.3.22.jolla — 0.14+git7-1.5.1.jolla
- [mic] Drop repository sqlite metadata support. minui-devel
- Updated : 0.0.1-1.1.28.jolla — 0.0.4-1.3.1.jolla
- [minui] Use RGBX instead of BGRA for drm backend.
- [minui] build and use the drm backend.
- [minui] Import the minui drm backend from android marshmallow-release.
- [minui] Re-init the drm backend.
- [minui] Close open file descriptors upon surface free. mkcal-qt5
- Updated : 0.5.2-1.11.1.jolla — 0.5.6-1.11.1.jolla
- [mkcal] Don’t change lastModified on storage save.
- [mkcal] Don’t change lastModified value of incidences on storage save.
- [mkcal] Don’t store time zone for r and exDateTimes when used for all day events.
- [mkcal] Don’t store time zone for r and exDateTimes when used for all day events. Fix
- [mkcal] Expand tests on rawExpandedEvents() with various way to store exceptions.
- [mkcal] Remove libical leftover.
- [mkcal] Remove old uuid dependency and use QUuid instead.
- [mkcal] Use a logging category for warnings and errors.
- [mkcal] Use qt logging. mlite-qt5
- Updated : 0.2.27-1.4.3.jolla — 0.2.28-1.5.1.jolla
- [mlite] Drop dbus-x11 requirement. mpfr
- Updated : 3.1.1-1.1.16.jolla — 3.1.6-1.2.2.jolla
- Update to 3.1.6. nano
- Updated : 2.2.6-1.1.12.jolla — 2.8.5+git1-1.1.1.jolla
- Binaries added : nano-doc – 2.8.5+git1-1.1.1.jolla
- [nano] Add git submodule for upstream.
- [nano] Update to 2.8.5 version.
- [nano] use git submodule for gnulib.
- [packaging] Add nano-doc subpackage.
- Update to 2.2.4, Fix BMC#1016 nemo-qml-plugin-accounts-qt5
- Updated : 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla — 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [accounts] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-alarms-qt5
- Updated : 0.3.2-1.2.25.jolla — 0.3.8-1.6.1.jolla
- [alarms] Add support for seconds to countdown alarms.
- [alarms] Add support for reseting all timers.
- [alarms] Add a reminder alarm type with a phone number property.
- [alarms] Allow creation of alarms independently of a model.
- [nemo-qml-plugins-alarms] Add plugins.qmltypes.
- [alarms] Expose snooze setting to QML.
- [nemo-qml-plugins-alarms] Add plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5
- Updated : 0.5.2-1.11.6.jolla — 0.5.3-1.10.6.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-connectivity
- Updated : 0.1.9-1.8.2.jolla — 0.2.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [nemo-connectivity] Update plugins.qmltypes.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-connectivity] Remove some bad API. nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5
- Updated : — 0.2.19-1.9.1.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] Use multi-char compression marker.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] Add PeopleModel roles: company, title and role.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] Add plugins.qmltypes.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] Support bulk contact deletion. nemo-qml-plugin-dbus-qt5
- Updated : 2.1.20-1.5.9.jolla — 2.1.21-1.6.1.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-dbus] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-devicelock
- Updated : 0.2.22-1.8.1.jolla — 0.2.23-1.9.1.jolla
- [devicelock] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5
- Updated : 0.5.3-1.13.2.jolla — 0.5.6-1.15.1.jolla
- [nemo-email] Add EmailMessageListModel::currentDate().
- [nemo-email] Add EmailAgent::deleteMessagesFromVariantList().
- [nemo-email] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5-offline
- Updated : 0.5.3-1.12.1.jolla — 0.5.4-1.13.1.jolla
- [nemo-email] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-filemanager
- Updated : 0.1.11-1.6.6.jolla — 0.1.16-1.10.1.jolla
- Binaries added : nemo-qml-plugin-filemanager-devel – 0.1.16-1.10.1.jolla
- [nemo-filemanager] Call ldconfig on post and postun.
- [nemo-filemanager] Fix file ownership.
- [nemo-filemanager] Fix unit test structure.
- [nemo-filemanager] Migrated DiskUsage from nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings.
- [nemo-filemanager] Emit error CannotCopyIntoItself.
- [nemo-filemanager] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-messages-internal-qt5
- Updated : 0.1.28-1.5.2.jolla — 0.1.29-1.6.1.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-messages] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-notifications-qt5
- Updated : 1.1.6-1.5.1.jolla — 1.1.8-1.5.1.jolla
- [notification] Export NotificationData and the dbus marshalling functions.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-notifications] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-policy-qt5
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.3.13.jolla — 0.1.3-1.4.1.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-policy] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-signon-qt5
- Updated : 0.0.6-1.2.20.jolla — 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [qmldir] Add plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-social-qt5
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.3.8.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-social] Add plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- Updated : 0.5.20-1.23.1.jolla — 0.5.24-1.25.1.jolla
- [aboutsettings] Add property with localized OS name.
- [plugin] Register Partition metatype.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Add deprecation warning.
- [settings-about] Cleanup internal & externalStorageModels.
- [settings-storage] Expose externalStoragesPopulated property. nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer-qt5
- Updated : 1.0.0-1.5.7.jolla — 1.0.1-1.6.1.jolla
- [thumbnailer] Update plugins.qmltypes. nemo-qml-plugin-time-qt5
- Updated : 0.1.2-1.3.20.jolla — 0.1.3-1.4.1.jolla
- [nemo-qml-plugin-time] Add plugins.qmltypes. nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.36.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.38.1-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched nemo-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.38
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.2
- [l10n] spec file updated nfcd
- Updated : 1.0.11-1.6.1.jolla — 1.0.21-1.8.1.jolla
- [rpm] Fixed glib dependency.
- [nfcd] Added ISO-DEP support.
- [plugins] Fixed incorrect use of g_variant_new_from_data()
- [unit] Added core_tag_t4 test.
- [unit] Use common functions
- [core] Constify NfcNdefRecSp::icon
- [core] Handle reads beyond the end of data
- [ndef-write] Added -e and -s options.
- [plugins] Support for SmartPoster handlers.
- [tools] Housekeeping
- [unit] Remove temporary directory
- [nfcd] Encoding and decoding of SmartPoster NDEF records.
- [nfcd] D-Bus API for locking tag for exclusive access.
- [nfcd] Housekeeping
- [plugins] Added org.sailfishos.nfc.Tag.Removed signal
- [plugins] Fixed a small bug in DBusServiceAdapter initialization
- [plugins] Housekeeping
- [plugins] Validate D-Bus names and paths loaded from config files
- [unit] Added plugins_dbus_handlers test
- [unit] Added plugins_dbus_service_adapter test
- [unit] Added plugins_dbus_service_tag test
- [nfcd] Don’t truncate text passed to nfc_ndef_rec_t_new_enc().
- [dbus] Added policies allowing to actually use nfcd D-Bus interfaces
- [nfcd] Added nfc_ndef_rec_t_lang_match().
- [nfcd] Expose nfc_system_language() to plugins.
- [nfcd] Support for handling Text NDEF records.
- [plugins] Handle multiple NDEF records.
- [nfcd] Use language in ISO/IANA format.
- [install] Don’t try to chmod and chown non-existent files.
- [nfcd] Added -o log_type option. nfcd-binder-plugin
- Updated : 1.0.3-1.1.4.jolla — 1.0.5-1.3.1.jolla
- [nfcd-binder-plugin] Enable ISO-DEP support.
- [nfcd-binder-plugin] Handle race between send and reply. ngfd
- Updated : 1.1.1-1.4.4.jolla — 1.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [ngfd] Prevent segfault if plugin initialization fails.
- [packaging] Don’t try to restart service in post or postun. ngfd-plugin-droid-vibrator
- Updated : 1.0-1.2.68.jolla — 1.2-1.3.1.jolla
- [packaging] Don’t try to control systemd user session.
- [native-vibrator] Support two-phase implementations. ngfd-plugin-native-vibrator
- Updated : 1.0-1.1.27.jolla — 1.2-1.2.1.jolla
- [packaging] Don’t try to control systemd user session.
- [native-vibrator] Support two-phase implementations. non-oss-package-groups
- Updated : 1.0.21-1.13.5.jolla — 1.0.22-1.13.2.jolla
- [patterns] Add sailfish-device-encryption-qa. ofono
- Updated : 1.21+git49.1-1.22.1.jolla — 1.21+git60-1.25.1.jolla
- [ril] Never fail online requests.
- [ril] Improved device state management.
- [build] Always require libglibutil and dbus-glib-1.
- [ril] Defined more RIL command codes.
- [ril] Disable STK after SIM reset.
- [packaging] Fixup build without rild. Fixed
- [ril] Hook up MO intermediate SSN (+CSSI).
- [ril] Send power off request at startup.
- [ofono] Bumped libgrilio version requirement
- [ril] Pass enabled/disabled attribite to GRilIoChannel.
- [ofono] Report full IP settings for MMS context. MER#903
- [ofono] Added __ofono_gprs_context_get_assigned_type().
- [ril] Use data profiles is needed. ofono-alien-binder-plugin
- Updated : 0.0.2-1.1.3.jolla — 0.0.5-1.2.1.jolla
- [ofono-alien] Housekeeping.
- [ofono-alien] Fix ofono version dependency.
- [ofono-alien] Simulate SIM absence for disabled slots. ofono-ril-binder-plugin
- Updated : 1.0.6-1.5.1.jolla — 1.0.10-1.7.1.jolla
- [rilbinder] Hook up setIndicationFilter.
- [rilbinder] Hook up sendSeviceState.
- [rilbinder] Sync GRilIoChannel and RadioInstance enabled attr.
- [rilbinder] Support RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE. ohm
- Updated : 1.2.0-1.4.2.jolla — 1.2.1-1.5.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license in spec, update URL. ohm-plugins-misc
- Updated : 1.5.1-1.7.2.jolla — 1.5.5-1.8.2.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL.
- [packaging] Don’t try to control systemd user session.
- [packaging] Rename service file because of new DBus.
- [accessories] Enable lineout wired accessory. openssh
- Updated : 7.9p1+git2-1.6.1.jolla — 8.0p1+git3-1.6.4.jolla
- [Packaging] Package man files.
- [packaging] Drop dependency to groff and man pages.
- [packaging] Drop macro from comment to cleanup build warning.
- [packaging] Drop obsolete rsh, patch level and nss configuration options.
- [openssh] Update to 8.0p1. patch
- Updated : 2.7.5+git1-1.1.10.jolla — 2.7.6+git1-1.2.2.jolla
- [patch] Update to 2.7.6. patterns-sailfish
- Updated : 1.0.21-1.13.1.jolla — 1.0.22-1.13.1.jolla
- [patterns] Add sailfish-device-encryption-qa. perl
- Updated : 0.76-1.2.1.jolla — 0.76-1.2.6.jolla
- Don’t require groff in order to make bootstrapping easier
- Remove gdbm support pkgconfig
- Updated : 0.27.1-1.2.8.jolla — 0.29.2+git1-1.3.1.jolla
- [packaging] Add pkgconfig-doc subpackage.
- [update] Upgrade pkgconfig to 0.29.2 and switch to tar_git format. policy-settings-common
- Updated : 0.10.1-1.9.5.jolla — 0.10.2-1.8.4.jolla
- [common] Enable lineout accessory. profiled
- Updated : 1.0.6-1.1.25.jolla — 1.0.8-1.2.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL.
- [packaging] Rename dbus service to match service name. protobuf
- Updated : 2.5.0-1.3.17.jolla — 3.9.0+git1-1.4.1.jolla Binaries removed : protobuf-vim
- [protobuf] Latest upstream release v3.9.0. pulseaudio-modules-droid
- Updated : 12.2.78-1.12.1.jolla — 12.2.79-1.12.1.jolla
- [card] Add voicemmode 1 and 2 virtual profiles.
- [source] Use format specific silence byte when needed.
- [xml-parser] Behave better with badly formatted input. pulseaudio-modules-droid-sbj
- Updated : 12.2.78-1.11.1.jolla — 12.2.79-1.11.1.jolla
- [card] Add voicemmode 1 and 2 virtual profiles.
- [source] Use format specific silence byte when needed.
- [xml-parser] Behave better with badly formatted input. pyotherside-qml-plugin-python3-qt5
- Updated : 1.5.1+git2-1.2.11.jolla — 1.5.1+git3-1.3.1.jolla
- [pyotherside] Update qmltypes. python
- Updated : 2.7.15+git4-1.5.1.jolla — 2.7.15+git5-1.6.3.jolla
- [python] Disable sqlite3 module. qmf-eas-plugin
- Updated : 0.3.11-1.12.5.jolla — 0.3.14-1.13.2.jolla
- [qmf-eas-plugin] Fix credential check on some servers.
- [qmf-plugin-eas] Remove display name field from account UI.
- [ui] Use OS name in default email signature. qmf-eas-plugin-l10n
- Updated : 1.59.2-1.18.1.jolla — 1.67.2-1.18.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 86 of 86 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched qmf-eas-plugin from version 1.67
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 86 of 86 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 86 of 86 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.12
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.13
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 88 of 88 strings translated (0 need review). qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n
- Updated : 1.38.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.40.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched qmf-notifications-plugin from version 1.40
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review). qmf-qt5
- Updated : 4.0.4+git111-1.9.2.jolla — 4.0.4+git112-1.10.1.jolla
- [qmf] Use socket’s local address for HELO and EHLO messages. qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.3.1.jolla — 0.2.0-1.4.1.jolla
- [vibrator] Support two-phase implementations. qt5-feedback-haptics-native-vibrator
- Updated : 0.1.1-1.2.2.jolla — 0.2.0-1.3.1.jolla
- [vibrator] Support two-phase implementations. qt5-qtdeclarative
- Updated : 5.6.3+git9-1.5.2.jolla — 5.6.3+git10-1.6.2.jolla Binaries removed : qt5-qtdeclarative-tool-qmlimportscanner
- [qtdeclarative] Package qmlimportscanner with devel-tools. qt5-qtmultimedia
- Updated : 5.6.2+git15-1.7.1.jolla — 5.6.2+git16-1.7.1.jolla
- [debug] Fix debug graph dot file dumping. qtaround
- Updated : 0.2.8-1.1.18.jolla — 0.2.9-1.2.1.jolla
- [qtaround] Add #include for cmath. qtcontacts-sqlite-qt5
- Updated : 0.2.36-1.5.2.jolla — 0.2.37-1.7.1.jolla
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Access columns via a mutable index
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Add missing includes
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Allow overriding plugin directory
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Treat „other“ display label group specially. rpm
- Updated : 4.14.1+git10-1.6.1.jolla — 4.14.1+git15-1.7.4.jolla
- Binaries added : rpm-sign – 4.14.1+git15-1.7.4.jolla
- [packaging] Drop dbus-devel build dep.
- [rpm] Split off signing kit into a separate subpackage ;
- [packaging] Drop cvs as build dep.
- [rpm] Make rpm-libs an empty transitional package ;
- [rpm] Bump version because of lua update. rpm-python
- Updated : 4.14.1+git10-1.5.1.jolla — 4.14.1+git15-1.6.2.jolla
- [packaging] Drop dbus-devel build dep.
- [rpm] Split off signing kit into a separate subpackage ;
- [packaging] Drop cvs as build dep.
- [rpm] Make rpm-libs an empty transitional package ;
- [rpm] Bump version because of lua update. sailfish-archive-l10n
- Updated : 1.10.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.12.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-archive from version 1.12
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-browser
- Updated : 1.18.11-1.14.1.jolla — 1.18.15-1.16.1.jolla
- [browser] Adapt remorse popup usage to the new design.
- [browser] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [sailfish-browser] Use keepalive directly.
- [UA] Workaround user-agent for twitter.com load failure.
- [sailfish-browser] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-browser-l10n
- Updated : 1.143.2-1.16.1.jolla — 1.149.2-1.18.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-browser from version 1.149
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.18.15
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n
- Updated : 1.16.1-1.6.1.jolla — 1.17.1-1.7.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-btrfs-balancer from version 1.17
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-components-accounts-qt5
- Updated : 0.2.20-1.8.2.jolla — 0.2.21-1.8.1.jolla
- [accounts] Adapt remorse usage to the new design. sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.64.3-1.12.1.jolla — 1.71.2-1.15.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-accounts-qt5 from version 1.71
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.21
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5
- Updated : 0.2.13-1.4.1.jolla — 0.2.14-1.5.1.jolla
- [sailfish-components-bluetooth] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.71.2-1.12.1.jolla — 1.75.2-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5 from version 1.75
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 38 strings translated (1 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-contacts-qt5
- Updated : — 0.2.86-1.22.1.jolla
- [contacts] Use list view dynamic delegate handling also for search.
- [sailfish-components-contacts] Fix bad translation hint.
- [components-contacts] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [sailfish-components-accounts] Improve locale-aware grouper.
- [contacts] Add functions to update recipient fields manually.
- [contacts] Don’t allow adding new fields if one field is empty.
- [sailfish-components-contacts] Update summary when removing an editable entry from an AutoCompleteFieldList. Contributes to TJC#208236
- [contacts] Show full recipient names in RecipientField if space allows.
- [contacts] Fade in activity list and page
- [contacts] Push contact activity page as normal page rather than attached.
- [contacts] Fix ContactBrowser search bar placement in dialogs.
- [contacts] Show contact property selection on separate page when there are > 5 properties.
- [contacts] ContactBrowser: rework contact property selection and custom context menus.
- [sailfish-components-contacts] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [contacts] Clip contact selection list beneath bottom control panel.
- [contacts] Update RecipientField placeholder text and add hasFocus.
- [contacts] Update RecipientField placeholder text.
- [sailfish-components-contacts] Wrap long names properly.
- [contacts] ContactBrowser: Separate ‚required‘ property from ’selectable‘ property.
- [contacts] Avoid unexpected favorite grid animations when searching.
- [sailfish-components-contacts] Embed search field into header correctly.
- [components-contacts] Minimum press highlight on contact card items.
- [contacts] Remove workaround for unexpected page dimensions.
- [contacts] Reduce size of alphabet scrollbar magnifier.
- [contacts] Update call direction icons.
- [contacts] Adjust presence indicator in favorite grid.
- [components-contacts] Use new contact placeholder icon.
- [components-contacts] Avoid just a few pixel padding below avatar.
- [components-contacts] Remove unused function.
- [contacts] Show text detail on favorite item when avatar is unavailable.
- [contacts] Don’t overwrite temporary contact.
- [contacts] Replace explicit PeopleModel/People property types with var.
- [contacts] Fix re-adding of ‚Detail‘ fields.
- [contacts] Account for ContactBrowser topMargin when navigating.
- [contacts] Add ContactBrowser resetScrollPosition().
- [contacts] Don’t search within symbol scrollbar model when navigating to recent contacts
- [contacts] Highlight the first symbol in scrollbar by default
- [contacts] Prevent pulley menu snapAnimation from triggering while scrolling.
- [contacts] Remove browser scroll decorator.
- [contacts] Reset highlighted symbol in scrollbar if required conditions change
- [contacts] Make activity details consistent with those in Phone call history.
- [contacts] Show activity year if older than this year.
- [contacts] Update recent contacts list when a contact is favorited.
- [contacts] Add auto fill hints for company and role fields. sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.137.5-1.18.1.jolla — 1.152.2-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 148 of 148 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-contacts-qt5 from version 1.152
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 145 of 145 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.85
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 145 of 145 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.82
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.84
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 144 of 147 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.80
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 147 of 147 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.60
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.61
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.65
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.66
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.68
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.69
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.72
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.73
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.75
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.76
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.77
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.78
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 145 of 145 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.56
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.57
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 145 of 145 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.53
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.54
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 145 of 145 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.46
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.49
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.51 sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.52.1-1.9.1.jolla — 1.54.2-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-email-qt5 from version 1.54
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-filemanager
- Updated : 0.2.5-1.7.1.jolla — 0.2.9-1.10.1.jolla
- [sailfish-components-filemanager] Add size of a folder.
- [sailfish-components-filemanager] Add size of folder.
- [sailfish-components-filemanager] Replace int with double.
- [sailfish-components-filemanager] Change cannot copy into itself error.
- [filemanager] Add gitignore.
- [sailfish-components-filemanager] Add header alias. sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n
- Updated : 1.58.1-1.19.1.jolla — 1.65.2-1.22.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-filemanager from version 1.65
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 55 of 56 strings translated (1 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 56 of 56 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 56 of 56 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-gallery-qt5
- Updated : 1.0.6-1.18.1.jolla — 1.0.8-1.18.1.jolla
- [components-gallery] Use keepalive directly.
- [components-gallery] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.120.2-1.17.1.jolla — 1.124.1-1.18.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-gallery-qt5 from version 1.124
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-media-qt5
- Updated : 0.9.0-1.5.2.jolla — 0.9.3-1.7.1.jolla
- [components-media] Remove unused VideoPlayer.qml.
- [components-media] Remove ScreenBlank.
- [media] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.82.1-1.12.1.jolla — 1.83.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-pickers-qt5 from version 1.83
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-components-telephony-qt5
- Updated : 0.1.4-1.6.2.jolla — 0.1.7-1.7.1.jolla
- [sailfish-components-telephony] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [telephony] fix AsYouTypeFormatterWrapper to ignore inappropriate characters.
- [sailfish-telephony] Add QML wrappers for libphonenumber. sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.27.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.29.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-telephony-qt5 from version 1.29
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.67.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.68.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-timezone-qt5 from version 1.68
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-components-weather-qt5
- Updated : 1.0.5-1.10.1.jolla — 1.0.6-1.10.1.jolla
- [components-weather] Bump keepalive import. sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.43.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.45.1-1.17.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-weather-qt5 from version 1.45
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-components-webview-qt5
- Updated : 1.0.3-1.7.2.jolla — 1.0.4-1.8.1.jolla
- [sailfish-components-webview] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.20.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.21.2-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-webview-qt5 from version 1.21
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-content-ambiences-default
- Updated : 1.0.3-1.7.10.jolla — 1.0.4-1.8.1.jolla
- [rpm] Requires jolla-settings-system.
- [sailfish-content-ambiences] Localize beginning of the ambience about license. sailfish-content-ambiences-default-favorites
- Updated : 1.0.3-1.7.10.jolla — 1.0.4-1.8.1.jolla
- [rpm] Requires jolla-settings-system.
- [sailfish-content-ambiences] Localize beginning of the ambience about license. sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n
- Updated : 1.45.1-1.14.1.jolla — 1.46.1-1.15.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-content-ambiences-default from version 1.46
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-content-gallery-default
- Updated : 0.31.1-1.2.19.jolla — 0.31.3-1.4.1.jolla
- [rpm] Requires jolla-settings-system.
- [sailfish-content-gallery] Basic image copyrights.
- [downloader] Add requirements for sailfish-content-downloader. sailfish-content-graphics-default
- Updated : 1.0.34-1.20.1.jolla — 1.0.35-1.18.2.jolla
- [theme-jolla-ambient] Add icon-s-reject. sailfish-device-encryption
- Updated : 0.5.0-1.11.1.jolla — 0.9.1-1.9.2.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-device-encryption-qa – 0.9.1-1.9.2.jolla, sailfish-device-encryption-settings – 0.9.1-1.9.2.jolla
- [unlock-ui] Use MinUi::Display for blanking control.
- [encryption-service] Don’t remove SUW markers on QA.
- [encryption-service] Prevent starting of some services.
- [jolla-settings-encryption] Handle timeout.
- [qa-encrypt-device] Add oneshot to enable encryption.
- [qa-encrypt-device] Add qa-encrypt-device for QA.
- [encryption-service] Fix bad strings.
- [encryption-service] USB mode to charging_only while encrypting.
- [encryption-service] Update key file when encrypting.
- [encryption-service] Add (un)masking units.
- [unlock-ui] Labels to support different languages.
- [encryption-service] Order preparation before alien.
- [encryption-service] Add restoration path to manage.
- [encryption-service] Do not let finalize to be called twice
- [encryption-service] Don’t allow preparation to be called twice
- [encryption-service] Fall back to old home on failure.
- [sailfish-unlock-ui] Move touchinput wait back to main.
- [encryption-service] Fix mount point check.
- [encryption-service] Improve GError use
- [encryption-service] Initialize erase_type and use line buffering
- [settings-encryption] Improve listening for service availability.
- [encryption-service] Add packagekit systemd conf.
- [encryption-service] Encryption prepare handling.
- [encryption-settings] Add settings plugin.
- [encryption-settings] Move EncryptionService qml component from SUW.
- [rpm] Fix build requirements.
- [settings-encryption] Avoid early dbus introspection of EncryptionService.
- [settings-encryption] Prepare home for encryption with random data.
- [sailfish-device-encryption] Handle marker file for Imager / first installation on pre step.
- [sailfish-device-encryption] Add encryption marker file on Imager.
- [sailfish-device-encryption] Remove encryption marker file upon upgrade.
- [unlock-ui] Remove redundant dependency.
- [unlock-ui] Require virtual sailfish-content-graphics package.
- [encryption-service] Implement erasing of data with random bytes.
- [encryption-service] Implement erasing of data with zeros.
- [encryption-service] Implement interface for PrepareToEncrypt.
- [sailfish-unlock-ui] Cancel timer whan emergency mode changes.
- [sailfish-unlock-ui] Send temporary key before showing ui.
- [encryption-service] Handle non-finished encryption better.
- [encryption-service] Set temporary key marker right after encryption.
- [unlock-ui] Do not shutdown after home is unlocked.
- [unlock-ui] Do not shutdown while handling emergency call.
- [unlock-ui] Use accessors for emergency mode value
- [unlock-ui] Shutdown notification. sailfish-device-encryption-l10n
- Updated : 1.13.1-1.6.1.jolla — 1.24.2-1.7.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-device-encryption from version 1.24
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 9 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 25 of 25 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-devicelock-fpd
- Updated : 1.0.5-1.5.6.jolla — 1.0.8-1.5.4.jolla
- [sailfish-devicelock-fpd] Create directory before touching.
- [devicelock-fpd] Handle both encsfa -> fpd and fpd -> fpd upgrades.
- [devicelock] Do not own device lock data files. sailfish-eas
- Updated : 0.4.20-1.14.1.jolla — 0.4.21-1.15.1.jolla
- [eas] Remove fullName config. sailfish-fpd
- Updated : 1.3.4-1.6.1.jolla — 1.3.8-1.7.1.jolla
- [sailfish-fpd] add set_active_group_always_quirk quirk.
- [sailfish-fpd] fix enumerate in the binder plugin.
- [sailfish-fpd] remove PrivateNetwork=true since it breaks on kernel 3.10.
- [sailfish-fpd] allow sailfish-fpd to use chmod/chown.
- [sailfish-fpd] allow sailfish-fpd to use chmod.
- [sailfish-fpd] Sandbox the sailfish-fpd service. sailfish-fpd-slave-binder
- Updated : 1.3.4-1.1.1.jolla — 1.3.8-1.2.1.jolla
- [sailfish-fpd] add set_active_group_always_quirk quirk.
- [sailfish-fpd] fix enumerate in the binder plugin.
- [sailfish-fpd] remove PrivateNetwork=true since it breaks on kernel 3.10.
- [sailfish-fpd] allow sailfish-fpd to use chmod/chown.
- [sailfish-fpd] allow sailfish-fpd to use chmod.
- [sailfish-fpd] Sandbox the sailfish-fpd service. sailfish-fpd-slave-f5121
- Updated : 1.3.4-1.5.1.jolla — 1.3.8-1.6.1.jolla
- [sailfish-fpd] add set_active_group_always_quirk quirk.
- [sailfish-fpd] fix enumerate in the binder plugin.
- [sailfish-fpd] remove PrivateNetwork=true since it breaks on kernel 3.10.
- [sailfish-fpd] allow sailfish-fpd to use chmod/chown.
- [sailfish-fpd] allow sailfish-fpd to use chmod.
- [sailfish-fpd] Sandbox the sailfish-fpd service. sailfish-maps
- Updated : 1.2.6-1.10.1.jolla — 1.2.8-1.12.2.jolla
- [maps] Adapt to Keepalive API changes.
- [sailfish-maps] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-maps-l10n
- Updated : 1.91.1-1.12.1.jolla — 1.94.2-1.15.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-maps from version 1.94
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.2.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-mdm
- Updated : 0.3.26-1.16.5.jolla — 0.3.29-1.16.4.jolla
- [mdm] Keep mdm-tool alive until proxy changes stick.
- [doc] Add missing inheaderfile declarations and more.
- [mdm] Add missing signal connection for microphoneEnabled. sailfish-mdm-l10n
- Updated : 1.20.1-1.14.1.jolla — 1.22.2-1.16.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-mdm from version 1.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-minui
- Updated : 0.0.22-1.9.1.jolla — 0.0.25-1.8.1.jolla
- [sailfish-minui] Change
to use the correct icon. - [sailfish-minui] Fix memory leak in
. - [sailfish-minui] Fix some style issues
- [sailfish-minui] Implement display power control class.
- [sailfish-minui] Update Copyright blurbs
- [sailfish-minui] Use Display object for blanking control.
- [sailfish-minui] Unify notify callbacks. sailfish-minui-l10n
- Updated : 1.27.1-1.12.1.jolla — 1.29.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-minui from version 1.29
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.24
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-office
- Updated : 1.5.3-1.14.1.jolla — 1.5.13-1.19.1.jolla
- [sailfish-office] Don’t use annotation boundary after removal.
- [sailfish-office] More robust PDF annotation removal.
- [documents] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [sailfish-office] Adjust link back button position in PDF toolbar.
- [sailfish-office] Increase the size of the page index in toolbar. Contributes to TJC#212568
- [sailfish-office] Correct page indicators not highlighted on press.
- [sailfish-office] Correct search bar progress not filling-up toolbar height. Contributes TJC#212568
- [sailfish-office] Remove BackgroundItem from SearchBarItem to follow other toolbar item design.
- [sailfish-offce] Correct wrong pdfDocument id in context menus.
- [sailfish-office] Avoid crash when removing annotation while page is rendered.
- [sailfish-office] Correct flicking on long press context menu dismiss.
- [sailfish-office] Correct misplaced note creation.
- [sailfish-office] Further pdf note fixes. Contributes to TJC#212151
- [sailfish-office] Correct note creation not working in PDF documents. Fixes TJC#212151
- [sailfish-office] Fix broken toolbar on text document viewers.
- [sailfish-office] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [office] Add translation support for some Calligra strings.
- [office] hide pdf toolbar on pulley menu open.
- [sailfish-office] Hide PDF toolbar when pull down menu is active. sailfish-office-l10n
- Updated : 1.113.1-1.18.1.jolla — 1.119.2-1.19.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 76 of 76 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-office from version 1.119
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 77 of 77 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.5.11
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.5.12
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 59 of 77 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 77 of 77 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.5.5 sailfish-secrets
- Updated : — 0.2.14-1.11.1.jolla
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix docs for C++ module indexes.
- [daemon] Make platform application ID respect /etc/os-release.
- [daemon] Modify prompt text for user input.
- [sailfish-secrets] Improve documentation. sailfish-secrets-l10n
- Updated : 1.21.2-1.13.1.jolla — 1.25.2-1.15.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets from version 1.25
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-secrets-ui
- Updated : 0.1.0-1.3.17.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla
- [secrets-ui] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [ui-sailfish-secrets-ui] Fix wrong plugin name. Contributes to OMP#44009
- [ui-sailfish-secrets-ui] Fix wrong plugin name. sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n
- Updated : 1.24.2-1.12.1.jolla — 1.26.2-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets-ui from version 1.26
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-svg2png
- Updated : 0.2.4-1.3.8.jolla — 0.3.0-1.4.1.jolla
- [svg2png] Replace QtSvg rendering with librsvg.
- [svg2png] Use librsvg for rbga rendering. sailfish-tutorial-default
- Updated : 0.2.9-1.12.1.jolla — 0.2.10-1.1.1.jolla
- [sailfish-tutorial] Use Theme opacity constants. sailfish-tutorial-l10n
- Updated : 1.66.4-1.19.1.jolla — 1.72.3-1.21.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 87 of 87 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-tutorial from version 1.72
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 87 of 87 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 87 of 87 strings translated (0 need review). sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n
- Updated : 1.15-1.9.5.jolla — 1.16.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-upgrade-ui from version 1.16
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-utilities-l10n
- Updated : 1.56.1-1.11.1.jolla — 1.59.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-utilities from version 1.59
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfish-version
- Updated : 3.1.0-1.12.11.jolla — 3.2.0-1.14.7.jolla
- [version] Change name for 3.2.0 (Torronsuo). sailfish-weather-l10n
- Updated : 1.37.1-1.13.1.jolla — 1.38.1-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-weather from version 1.38
- [l10n] spec file updated sailfishsilica-qt5
- Updated : — 1.1.56-1.30.1.jolla
- [silica] Don’t require full landscape height for quick scroll.
- [silica] Add private theme coonstants for wallpaper overlay colors.
- [silica] Darken the cover overlay color a bit.
- [silica] Scale up legacy ambience backgrounds to fit the landscape page width.
- [sailfishsilica] Support choosing seconds in time picker.
- [silica] Adjust remorse design to appear more like undo.
- [silica] Update remorse labels to talk about undo.
- [silica] Fix infinite recursion crash in auto-scroller.
- [silica] Fix recursive auto scroll controller update for children.
- [sailfishsilica] Improve pulley indication.
- [silica] Resolve the autoscroller when a hidden item is made visible.
- [silica] Update plugins.qmltypes.
- [sailfishsilica] Add Theme opacity constants.
- [silica] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [contacts] Add ‚quickScrollVisible‘ to flickable views.
- [contacts] Add SilicaListView ‚quickScrollOpacity‘ property.
- [silica] Avoid unintended autoscroll to bottom of item.
- [silica] Don’t mix loader and animator.
- [silica] Allow cursor toggle to be disabled.
- [silica] Fix the scaling of padded highlight images.
- [silica] Use non-zero default dimensions for the page container.
- [silica] Make TabButton tabIndex public and have components assign it explicitly.
- [silica] Animate tab button title color changes.
- [silica] Fix undefined refs to ‚tabs‘
- [silica] Update plugins.qmltypes.
- [silica] Use smaller TabButton font size and truncate if necessary.
- [silica] Use TouchInteraction.EdgeSwipe for the return to home hints.
- [silica] Fix stuttering when restoring the position of an autoscrolled item.
- [silica] Disable animator use in Slideable.
- [silica] Update Slideable progress while animating.
- [silica] Coordinate global and app hints.
- [silica] Add private auto-fill types.
- [silica] Allow types which extend ListItem to specify their own height binding.
- [silica] Allow type which extend ListItem to specify their own height binding. sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n
- Updated : 1.121.1-1.20.1.jolla — 1.126.2-1.22.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 108 of 108 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfishsilica-qt5 from version 1.126
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.54
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.55
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.53
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review). sb2-tools-armv7hl-inject
- Updated : 1.0+git7-1.4.1.jolla — 1.0+git10-1.5.3.jolla
- Add libselinux.
- Add busybox-symlinks-which to packages in tools.
- Remove groff from list of packages. sb2-tools-i486-inject
- Updated : 1.0+git7-1.4.1.jolla — 1.0+git10-1.5.3.jolla
- Add libselinux.
- Add busybox-symlinks-which to packages in tools.
- Remove groff from list of packages. sb2-tools-qt5-aarch64 Reverted : 5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 5.0-1.3.1.jolla
- [packages] Add libselinux to packages_in_tools, needed by systemd-libs. sb2-tools-qt5-armv7hl Reverted : 5.0-1.4.3.jolla — 5.0-1.4.1.jolla
- [packages] Add libselinux to packages_in_tools, needed by systemd-libs. sbj-configs
- Updated : 0.12.9-1.9.11.jolla — 0.12.12-1.10.3.jolla
- [ks] Fix image naming to match current format.
- [patterns] Remove obsoleted sd-utils package.
- Disable memfd as kernel doesn’t support it.
- [packaging] Add new PulseAudio configs. sdk-configs
- Updated : 0.115-1.10.14.jolla — 0.117-1.11.4.jolla
- [rpm] Add ability to set custom ssu_override.
- [ks] Do not check for processes using deleted files. sdk-setup
- Updated : — 1.3.14-1.18.1.jolla
- [mer-sdk-chroot] Fix invocation of dbus-uuidgen.
- [sdk-assistant] Add ‚register‘ command.
- [sdk-manage] Allow to register/refresh all but the SDK itself
- [packaging] Let sdk-vm require kbd and ncurses.
- [sdk-vm] Blacklist the vboxvideo module.
- [mb2] Fix use with %autosetup.
- [mb2] Fix –search-output-dir ignoring updates
- [mb2] Fix –search-output-dir ignoring updates.
- [mb2] Tell Git to ignore everything under the .mb2 dir
- [sdk-init] Initial commit.
- [sdk-vm] Mount installation directory from host.
- [mb2] Fix ‚prepare‘ command after moving temporary .spec.
- [mb2] Add ‚check‘ command.
- [mb2] Deploy just RPMS built least recently from the current project
- [mb2] Improve help for the –fix-version option.
- [mb2] Use persistent location for the temporary spec file
- [mb2] Add ‚–wrap‘ option. sdk-webapp
- Updated : 0.8.0-1.6.1.jolla — 0.8.1-1.6.1.jolla
- [sdk-webapp] List user installed packages as installed. sensorfw-qt5
- Updated : 0.10.13-1.9.2.jolla —
- [hybrisadaptor] Do not activate sensors during initialization.
- [sensorfw] Fixed pkgconfig version
- [iioadaptor] Allow overriding iioDevices‘ scaling factor
- [iioadaptor] Allow overriding iioDevices‘ scaling factor. Fixes MER#2053 setools
- Updated : 4.2.0+git2-1.2.1.jolla — 4.2.0+git3-1.2.1.jolla
- [mirror] Switch submodule URL to https. Fixes MER#2052 signon-qt5
- Updated : 8.57.5+git4-1.6.4.jolla — 8.57.5+git5-1.5.4.jolla
- [libsignon] Split local commits into patches. simkit
- Updated : 0.4.23-1.4.4.jolla — 0.4.24-1.4.2.jolla
- [simkit] Update to new keepalive api. simkit-l10n
- Updated : 1.48.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.51.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched simkit from version 1.51
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.24
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review). sociald
- Updated : 0.2.7-1.11.2.jolla — 0.2.8-1.10.2.jolla
- [buteo-sync-plugins-social] Remove deprecated media_info usage. sociald-l10n
- Updated : 1.71.1-1.6.1.jolla — 1.72.1-1.7.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sociald from version 1.72
- [l10n] spec file updated sp-endurance
- Updated : 4.4.0-1.6.1.jolla — 4.4.1-1.7.1.jolla
- [packaging] Require which. ssu
- Updated : 0.44.1-1.9.4.jolla — 0.44.5-1.11.2.jolla
- [ssu] Use libzypp for repo removal.
- [ssuks] Respect the „domain“ setting in repo parameters.
- [ssu] Update plugins.qmltypes.
- [ssu] Add test for repository-specific-variables.
- [ssu] Add way to define repository specific vars for adaptation. ssu-sysinfo
- Updated : 1.2.0-1.4.2.jolla — 1.2.1-1.5.1.jolla
- [ssusysinfo] Expect SSU configuration version 13. statefs
- Updated : 0.3.35-1.2.2.jolla — 0.3.36-1.2.2.jolla
- [statefs] Add missing thread library linking to fix build. statefs-loader-qt5
- Updated : 0.0.13-1.1.23.jolla — 0.0.13+git2-1.2.1.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL. statefs-providers
- Updated : 0.3.17-1.3.2.jolla — 0.3.18-1.3.2.jolla
- [power-udev] Expect POWER_SUPPLY_REAL_TYPE udev property. statefs-qt5
- Updated : 0.3.5-1.4.2.jolla — 0.3.6+git2-1.4.3.jolla
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL.
- [statefs-qt] Update plugins.qmltypes. store-client
- Updated : 1.0.5-1.17.1.jolla — 1.0.11-1.21.1.jolla
- [store-client] Include translations from the common directory.
- [store-client] Avoid contradicting translation source.
- [store-client] Release cover image for 3.2.0.
- [store-client] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [store-client] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [store-client] Disable link activations while app details are collapsed. store-client-l10n
- Updated : 1.152.1-1.18.1.jolla — 1.161.2-1.22.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched store-client from version 1.161
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.10
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 141 of 141 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.8
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review). strace
- Updated : 4.22+git1-1.2.25.jolla — 5.2+git1-1.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : strace-doc – 5.2+git1-1.3.1.jolla
- [strace] Add doc package.
- [strace] Update to 5.2 version. sudo
- Updated : 1.8.20p2-1.2.4.jolla — 1.8.20p2+git2-1.2.7.jolla
- [sudo] Add groff as a build requirement.
- [packaging] Update to upstream release 1.8.20p2. Contribute to systemd
- Updated : 225+git16-1.6.1.jolla — 225+git19-1.8.1.jolla
- [systemd] Enable audit support.
- [systemd] Enable selinux support.
- [systemd] Fix CVE-2019-3842.
- [systemd] Fix for CVE-2013-4391. Decrease DATA_SIZE_MAX.
- [systemd] Fix for CVE-2016-7795.
- [systemd] Fix for CVE-2018-16865 in systemd-journal.
- [systemd] Fix for CVE-2018-16866. fix syslog_parse_identifier().
- [systemd] Require which. tar
- Updated : 1.17-1.2.7.jolla — 1.17-1.3.3.jolla
- Add Provides gnu-tar. telepathy-ring
- Updated : 2.5.4+git4-1.4.4.jolla — 2.5.6-1.6.1.jolla
- [tp-ring] Fixed suspicious compilation warning
- [tp-ring] Perform GetProperties calls without timeout
- [packaging] Fix license and URL in spec file. test-definition
- Updated : 1.4.5-1.1.25.jolla — 1.4.6-1.2.1.jolla
- [test-definition] Add groff as a build requirement. testrunner-lite
- Updated : 1.8.5-1.3.5.jolla — 1.8.6-1.3.3.jolla
- [testrunner-lite] Fix xml2 compilation error. timed-qt5
- Updated : 3.5.1-1.3.9.jolla — 3.5.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [timed] Own /etc/localtime and link it to proper place. transferengine-plugins
- Updated : 0.2.5-1.5.31.jolla — 0.2.7-1.8.1.jolla
- [dropbox] Use OS name and version in the user agent header.
- [facebook] Use OS name in the „Mobile uploads from“ text.
- [vk] Use OS name in the „Mobile uploads from“ text.
- [transferengine-plugins] Use MessageComposer for mms. transferengine-plugins-l10n
- Updated : 1.95.1-1.12.1.jolla — 1.103.2-1.15.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 55 of 55 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched transferengine-plugins from version 1.103
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 55 of 55 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 55 of 55 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review). util-linux
- Updated : 2.33+git1-1.5.1.jolla — 2.33+git2-1.5.6.jolla
- [packaging] Remove which. valgrind
- Updated : 3.14.0+git1-1.4.4.jolla — 3.15.0+git1-1.5.1.jolla
- [valgrind] fix 0xEBAD 0x1CCA.
- [valgrind] Update to 3.15.0 vault
- Updated : 0.2.10-1.3.4.jolla — 1.0.1-1.5.1.jolla Binaries removed : vault-tests
- [rpm] Update repository url.
- [vault] Remove everything except unit helpers. This removes the gittin dependency.
- [vault] Remove Qt gui dependency.
- [packaging] Fix license, update URL. virtualbox
- Updated : 5.2.30+git1-1.5.1.jolla — 5.2.30+git2-1.4.2.jolla
- [virtualbox] Allow to build against untagged kernel. vm-configs
- Updated : 0.15.10-1.11.1.jolla —
- [unmute] Fix after removing no-screenblank.service.
- [mce] Prevent emulator display blanking without mcetool.
- [patterns] require jolla-developer-mode-profile.
- [patterns] Remove rnd-common pattern from emulator image.
- [rpm] Add ability to set custom ssu_override.
- [rpm] Require virtual ssu-kickstart-configuration. voicecall-ui-jolla
- Updated : —
- [voicecall] Don’t show call ending dialog on disconnect if other calls are still active.
- [voicecall] Fix undefined reference to ContactCreator.
- [voicecall] Don’t auto-remove call reminder when calling a contact.
- [voicecall] Don’t show disabled ‚Remove reminder‘ button.
- [voicecall] Emit notify signals when Reminder ‚exists‘ changes.
- [settings] Fix alignment in Recorded Calls page.
- [voicecall-ui] Fix broken call dialog.
- [voicecall-ui] Remove fixed-color background in CallEndedDialog.
- [voicecall-ui] Adapt remorse usage to the new design.
- [voicecall-ui] Rename „Remove from history“ option to „Clear contact history“.
- [voicecall-ui] Show correct call history context menu for saved contacts.
- [voicecall-ui] Show call ended dialog when screen is locked.
- [voicecall-ui] Show reminder time in basic history view.
- [voicecall-ui] Change displayed UI when call ends.
- [voicecall-ui] Change VoiceCallManager callDuration to int type
- [voicecall-ui] Show system window when call ends, instead of current dialog.
- [voicecall-ui] Add a create reminder option to the call log.
- [voicecall] Add a dbus method to show a contact card in the dialer.
- [voicecall] Add a dbus method to show a contact car in the dialer.
- [voicecall-ui] Don’t show phone number options for contacts without phone numbers.
- [voicecall-ui] Adapt to contact property selection changes.
- [voicecall-ui] Fix AsYouTypeFormatter when the device is not connected to the network.
- [voicecall-ui] Adapt to contact property selection changes.
- [voicecall-ui] Update sailfish-components-contacts dependency.
- [voicecall-ui] Use Theme opacity constants.
- [voicecall-ui] Fix missed call marking as read behavior regression.
- [voicecall-ui] Add AsYouTypeFormatter to dialer.
- [voicecall-ui] Don’t overlap dismiss button with caller name.
- [voicecall-ui] Fix calling contacts with multiple phone numbers. Contributes to
- [voicecall-ui] Add country indicator to incoming calls.
- [voicecall-ui] Add an option to create a reminder to call back when dismissing a call.
- [voicecall-ui] Disable cursor toggle in dialer view.
- [voicecall-ui] Don’t hide contacts without phone numbers.
- [voicecall-ui] Fix contact search field placement.
- [voicecall-ui] Avoid virtual keyboard on dialer view.
- [voicecall-ui] Assign TabButton tabIndex explicitly.
- [voicecall-ui] Use OS name from AboutSettings.
- [voicecall] Don’t reset pages immediately when app is put to background.
- [voicecall-ui] Split dialer in two on landscape if not fitting otherwise.
- [voicecall-ui] Show incoming call icon in call history.
- [voicecall-ui] Update call direction icons.
- [voicecall-ui] Add remorse timer for deleting contact history.
- [voicecall-ui] Center the placeholder text in NumberField.
- [voicecall-ui] Limit NumberField width according to Keypad size.
- [voicecall] Update unit tests for current views.
- [voicecall-ui] Reduce the amount of blur on avatar images.
- [voicecall-ui] Show month+year for history entries before current year.
- [voicecall-ui] Add quick message reply settings. voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n
- Updated : 1.216.6-1.24.1.jolla — 1.246.2-1.25.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 244 of 244 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched voicecall-ui-jolla from version 1.246
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 244 of 244 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.10.49
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.10.50
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.10.51
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 244 of 244 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.10.48
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 244 of 244 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.46
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.10.47
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 244 of 244 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.45
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 243 of 243 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.44
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 242 of 242 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.43
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 241 of 241 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.30
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.31
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.32
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.34
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.35
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.38
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.40
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.41
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.42
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 225 of 235 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.28
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.29
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 235 of 235 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.21
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.22
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.24
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.25
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.26
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 235 of 235 strings translated (0 need review). wpa_supplicant
- Updated : 2.8+git1-1.6.1.jolla — 2.8+git2-1.6.1.jolla
- [packaging] Update config as per policy. xulrunner-qt5
- Updated : 45.9.1+git10-1.6.4.jolla — 45.9.1+git12-1.6.3.jolla
- [nemo][embedlite] Disable MSAA on mobile.
- [gecko-dev] Fix licence, update URL.
- [nemo][gecko-dev] Fix licence, update URL. xz
- Updated : 5.0.4-1.2.10.jolla — 5.2.4+git1-1.3.1.jolla
- [build] Fix build requirements.
- [update] Update to version 5.2.4.
- [xz] Rename xz-docs to xz-doc. yamui
- Updated : 1.0.6-1.1.33.jolla — 1.0.8-1.5.1.jolla
- [yamui] Use RGBX instead of BGRA for drm backend.
- [yamui] build the drm backend.
- [yamui] do not initialize the graphics backend in yamui-screensaverd if drm backend is used.
- [yamui] Re-init the drm backend.
- [yamui] Use brigthness paths and values from environment variables.
- [yamui] yamui-screensaverd: add support for the drm backend.
- [yaumi] Import drm backend from the android marshmallow-release branch.
Packages added
- Binaries added : droid-config-i3113-bluez5 –, droid-config-i3113-ssu-kickstarts –, droid-config-i3113-out-of-image-files –, droid-config-i3113-preinit-plugin –, droid-config-i3113-pulseaudio-settings –, droid-config-i3113-patterns –, droid-config-i3113-kickstart-configuration –, droid-config-i3113-bluez4 –, droid-config-i3113-policy-settings –, droid-config-i3113-flashing –, droid-config-i3113 –, droid-config-i3113-sailfish –
- [configs] Add configuration for touchscreen feedback sound levels.
- [ofono] Enable query of initial PIN retry count.
- [radio] fix the modem workaround for single sim devices, make the workaround more robust during bootup.
- [radio] workaround for crashing modem.
- [usb] Provide device specifig usb mode configs.
- [csd] Disable Hall sensor from hw settings as it does not work currently.
- [mce] Disable use of hwc2 via libhybris.
- [upgdade-ui] Wait for unlock-ui to exit.
- [init] Combine disabled services.
- [selinux] Add minimum permissive configs.
- [selinux] Remove selinux stubs from servicemanagers.
- [patterns] Add sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend for Wi-Fi suspending.
- [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [configs] Do not start hwcomposer after unlocking ui in upgrade target.
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [configs] Add hwcomposer services for encryption unlocking ui.
- [configs] Remove firmware symbolic links.
- [flash-partition] Allow flashing on both SDM630 and SDM636 platforms.
- [configs] Add support for single sim devices.
- [patterns] Fix kirin and mermaid summary.
- [droid-configs-device] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [patterns] Replace PulseAudio glue module with hidl module.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [configs] Add workaround for PulseAudio segfault on quit.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [flashing] Use v9 Sony binary blob.
- [patterns] Enable home encryption.
- [repos] Add alien feature.
- [camera] Fix 4:3 resolution in camera configuration.
- [camera] Add camera configurations.
- [configs] Add lipstick configs.
- [configs] only mount ld.config file if it is not patched already.
- [configs] Add mounting service for /opt partition.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 I4193.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [configs] Disable unneeded Android storaged service.
- [fingerprint] Disable enumerate quirk and enable new set_active_group_always_quirk.
- [configs] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [rpm] Separate common configs to own file.
- [configs] Disable some unneeded Android side services.
- [ota] enable updating kernel and vendor data.
- [configs] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA.
- [fingerprint] Add Support for fingerprint.
- [fingerprint] Enable mce fingerprint wakeup.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics.
- [sensors] Disable non-existent gyroscope sensor.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card.
- [patterns] Clean patterns and add missing ones.
- [patterns] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [bluetooth] initial support
- [boot] add systemd service to mark boot as successful
- [configs] provide own ld.config.28.txt
- [configs] remove persist and firmware symlinks, those will be in straggler files.
- [configs] Revert: Protect rest of the filesystem from the droid-init.“
- [csd] add CSD config file
- [flashing] add flashing scripts
- [ks] add initial kickstart configuration
- [rpm] pull in system and vendor packages
- [ssu] add initial ssu config
- [telephony] initial support
- [wifi] add systemd service to enable wifi droid-config-i3213
- Binaries added : droid-config-i3213-flashing –, droid-config-i3213-bluez5 –, droid-config-i3213-pulseaudio-settings –, droid-config-i3213-ssu-kickstarts –, droid-config-i3213 –, droid-config-i3213-preinit-plugin –, droid-config-i3213-out-of-image-files –, droid-config-i3213-bluez4 –, droid-config-i3213-sailfish –, droid-config-i3213-patterns –, droid-config-i3213-kickstart-configuration –, droid-config-i3213-policy-settings –
- [configs] Add configuration for touchscreen feedback sound levels.
- [ofono] Enable query of initial PIN retry count.
- [radio] fix the modem workaround for single sim devices, make the workaround more robust during bootup.
- [radio] workaround for crashing modem.
- [usb] Provide device specifig usb mode configs.
- [csd] Disable Hall sensor from hw settings as it does not work currently.
- [mce] Disable use of hwc2 via libhybris.
- [upgdade-ui] Wait for unlock-ui to exit.
- [init] Combine disabled services.
- [selinux] Add minimum permissive configs.
- [selinux] Remove selinux stubs from servicemanagers.
- [patterns] Add sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend for Wi-Fi suspending.
- [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [configs] Do not start hwcomposer after unlocking ui in upgrade target.
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [configs] Add hwcomposer services for encryption unlocking ui.
- [configs] Remove firmware symbolic links.
- [flash-partition] Allow flashing on both SDM630 and SDM636 platforms.
- [configs] Add support for single sim devices.
- [patterns] Fix kirin and mermaid summary.
- [droid-configs-device] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [patterns] Replace PulseAudio glue module with hidl module.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [configs] Add workaround for PulseAudio segfault on quit.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [flashing] Use v9 Sony binary blob.
- [patterns] Enable home encryption.
- [repos] Add alien feature.
- [camera] Fix 4:3 resolution in camera configuration.
- [camera] Add camera configurations.
- [configs] Add lipstick configs.
- [configs] only mount ld.config file if it is not patched already.
- [configs] Add mounting service for /opt partition.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 I4193.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [configs] Disable unneeded Android storaged service.
- [fingerprint] Disable enumerate quirk and enable new set_active_group_always_quirk.
- [configs] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [rpm] Separate common configs to own file.
- [configs] Disable some unneeded Android side services.
- [ota] enable updating kernel and vendor data.
- [configs] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA.
- [fingerprint] Add Support for fingerprint.
- [fingerprint] Enable mce fingerprint wakeup.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics.
- [sensors] Disable non-existent gyroscope sensor.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card.
- [patterns] Clean patterns and add missing ones.
- [patterns] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [bluetooth] initial support
- [boot] add systemd service to mark boot as successful
- [configs] provide own ld.config.28.txt
- [configs] remove persist and firmware symlinks, those will be in straggler files.
- [configs] Revert: Protect rest of the filesystem from the droid-init.“
- [csd] add CSD config file
- [flashing] add flashing scripts
- [ks] add initial kickstart configuration
- [rpm] pull in system and vendor packages
- [ssu] add initial ssu config
- [telephony] initial support
- [wifi] add systemd service to enable wifi droid-config-i4113
- Binaries added : droid-config-i4113-preinit-plugin –, droid-config-i4113 –, droid-config-i4113-ssu-kickstarts –, droid-config-i4113-out-of-image-files –, droid-config-i4113-bluez4 –, droid-config-i4113-sailfish –, droid-config-i4113-flashing –, droid-config-i4113-policy-settings –, droid-config-i4113-patterns –, droid-config-i4113-pulseaudio-settings –, droid-config-i4113-bluez5 –, droid-config-i4113-kickstart-configuration –
- [configs] Add configuration for touchscreen feedback sound levels.
- [ofono] Enable query of initial PIN retry count.
- [radio] fix the modem workaround for single sim devices, make the workaround more robust during bootup.
- [radio] workaround for crashing modem.
- [usb] Provide device specifig usb mode configs.
- [csd] Disable Hall sensor from hw settings as it does not work currently.
- [mce] Disable use of hwc2 via libhybris.
- [upgdade-ui] Wait for unlock-ui to exit.
- [init] Combine disabled services.
- [selinux] Add minimum permissive configs.
- [selinux] Remove selinux stubs from servicemanagers.
- [patterns] Add sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend for Wi-Fi suspending.
- [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [configs] Do not start hwcomposer after unlocking ui in upgrade target.
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [configs] Add hwcomposer services for encryption unlocking ui.
- [configs] Remove firmware symbolic links.
- [flash-partition] Allow flashing on both SDM630 and SDM636 platforms.
- [configs] Add support for single sim devices.
- [patterns] Fix kirin and mermaid summary.
- [droid-configs-device] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [patterns] Replace PulseAudio glue module with hidl module.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [configs] Add workaround for PulseAudio segfault on quit.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [flashing] Use v9 Sony binary blob.
- [patterns] Enable home encryption.
- [repos] Add alien feature.
- [camera] Fix 4:3 resolution in camera configuration.
- [camera] Add camera configurations.
- [configs] Add lipstick configs.
- [configs] only mount ld.config file if it is not patched already.
- [configs] Add mounting service for /opt partition.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 I4193.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [configs] Disable unneeded Android storaged service.
- [fingerprint] Disable enumerate quirk and enable new set_active_group_always_quirk.
- [configs] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [rpm] Separate common configs to own file.
- [configs] Disable some unneeded Android side services.
- [ota] enable updating kernel and vendor data.
- [configs] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA.
- [fingerprint] Add Support for fingerprint.
- [fingerprint] Enable mce fingerprint wakeup.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics.
- [sensors] Disable non-existent gyroscope sensor.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card.
- [patterns] Clean patterns and add missing ones.
- [patterns] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [bluetooth] initial support
- [boot] add systemd service to mark boot as successful
- [configs] provide own ld.config.28.txt
- [configs] remove persist and firmware symlinks, those will be in straggler files.
- [configs] Revert: Protect rest of the filesystem from the droid-init.“
- [csd] add CSD config file
- [flashing] add flashing scripts
- [ks] add initial kickstart configuration
- [rpm] pull in system and vendor packages
- [ssu] add initial ssu config
- [telephony] initial support
- [wifi] add systemd service to enable wifi droid-config-i4213
- Binaries added : droid-config-i4213-pulseaudio-settings –, droid-config-i4213-policy-settings –, droid-config-i4213-out-of-image-files –, droid-config-i4213-sailfish –, droid-config-i4213-preinit-plugin –, droid-config-i4213-bluez4 –, droid-config-i4213-ssu-kickstarts –, droid-config-i4213-bluez5 –, droid-config-i4213-flashing –, droid-config-i4213-patterns –, droid-config-i4213-kickstart-configuration –, droid-config-i4213 –
- [configs] Add configuration for touchscreen feedback sound levels.
- [ofono] Enable query of initial PIN retry count.
- [radio] fix the modem workaround for single sim devices, make the workaround more robust during bootup.
- [radio] workaround for crashing modem.
- [usb] Provide device specifig usb mode configs.
- [csd] Disable Hall sensor from hw settings as it does not work currently.
- [mce] Disable use of hwc2 via libhybris.
- [upgdade-ui] Wait for unlock-ui to exit.
- [init] Combine disabled services.
- [selinux] Add minimum permissive configs.
- [selinux] Remove selinux stubs from servicemanagers.
- [patterns] Add sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend for Wi-Fi suspending.
- [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.
- [selinux] Add config file to disable selinux.
- [configs] Do not start hwcomposer after unlocking ui in upgrade target.
- [csd] Fix modem count for dual sim devices.
- [configs] Add hwcomposer services for encryption unlocking ui.
- [configs] Remove firmware symbolic links.
- [flash-partition] Allow flashing on both SDM630 and SDM636 platforms.
- [configs] Add support for single sim devices.
- [patterns] Fix kirin and mermaid summary.
- [droid-configs-device] fix firmware loading if the udev user loading fails.
- [configs] Add HIDL module to PulseAudio configs.
- [patterns] Replace PulseAudio glue module with hidl module.
- [udev] allow loading droid firmware blobs via userspace/udev.
- [configs] Add policy configs for lineout accessory.
- [configs] Add workaround for PulseAudio segfault on quit.
- [configs] Handle emergency_call context variable from policy.
- [flashing] Use v9 Sony binary blob.
- [patterns] Enable home encryption.
- [repos] Add alien feature.
- [camera] Fix 4:3 resolution in camera configuration.
- [camera] Add camera configurations.
- [configs] Add lipstick configs.
- [configs] only mount ld.config file if it is not patched already.
- [configs] Add mounting service for /opt partition.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 I4193.
- [ks] Add flashing support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [configs] Disable unneeded Android storaged service.
- [fingerprint] Disable enumerate quirk and enable new set_active_group_always_quirk.
- [configs] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [rpm] Separate common configs to own file.
- [configs] Disable some unneeded Android side services.
- [ota] enable updating kernel and vendor data.
- [configs] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA.
- [fingerprint] Add Support for fingerprint.
- [fingerprint] Enable mce fingerprint wakeup.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics.
- [sensors] Disable non-existent gyroscope sensor.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card.
- [patterns] Clean patterns and add missing ones.
- [patterns] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [bluetooth] initial support
- [boot] add systemd service to mark boot as successful
- [configs] provide own ld.config.28.txt
- [configs] remove persist and firmware symlinks, those will be in straggler files.
- [configs] Revert: Protect rest of the filesystem from the droid-init.“
- [csd] add CSD config file
- [flashing] add flashing scripts
- [ks] add initial kickstart configuration
- [rpm] pull in system and vendor packages
- [ssu] add initial ssu config
- [telephony] initial support
- [wifi] add systemd service to enable wifi droid-hal-kirin
- Binaries added : droid-hal-kirin – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-kirin-kernel – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-kirin-tools – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-kirin-devel – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-kirin-detritus – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-kirin-kernel-modules – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla
- [kernel] input: misc: et51x: enable enable-on-boot for first time enrolls to work.
- [kernel] Update kernel from upstream.
- [hybris-patches] Make sure we stop all classes on hybris.shutdown.
- [hybris-patches] reach main init state by setting vold property.
- [hybris-patches] rebase patches.
- [rpm] Fix sources for OBS promotions.
- [hybris-patches] Disable SELinux init.
- [hybris-patches] Remove selinux stubs from servicemanager.
- [rpm] Fix Source0 from spec file for OBS promotion.
- [kernel] Enable HIDP support.
- [kernel] Update kernel from upstream.
- [kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.9.189 level.
- [droid-hal] Move patches and apply-patches.sh to a submodule.
- [kernel] CVE-2019-10538: Fix QualPwn remote vulnerability.
- [kernel] Fix graphics related crashes.
- [kernel] Revert firmware lookup path expansion.
- [kernel] Silence excessive logging.
- [kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.9.185 level.
- [rpm] Keep all includes in main rpm.
- [dhd] Move dhd git submodule out of rpm directory.
- [kernel] Enable Multiple port match support for iptables.
- [kernel] Enable mass storage configfs for usb enumeration.
- [kernel] Revert „fuse: don’t mess with blocking signals“ to fix suspend.
- [libhybris] Update libhybris to upstream.
- [selinux_stubs] Update to upstream repository.
- [kernel] Update kernel from upstream.
- [droid-hal] Use symlinks instead of moving sources around.
- [droid-hal] Add rpm packaging for mermaid.
- [hybris-boot] Add Sony Xperia 10 Plus to fixup-mountpoints.
- [kernel] Sony-ganges, mermaid: hybris friendly defconfig.
- [kernel] Switch to hybris-sony-aosp-9.0.0_r37_20190620 branch.
- [droid-hal] Disable init_user0 which is not needed on Mer.
- [droid-hal] Cleanup extra/failed mount points.
- [droid-hal] use sleep infinity in settingsd socket creation.
- [droid-hal] Update dhd submodule. Adapt straggler files.
- [droid-hal] Fix spec and rpm package naming.
- [droid-hal] Separate common spec lines to own file. droid-hal-kirin-img-boot
- Binaries added : droid-hal-kirin-img-recovery –, droid-hal-kirin-img-boot –
- [img-boot] specify correct display path & brightness and update submodule.
- [img-boot] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule.
- [img-boot] Fix rpm package naming. droid-hal-mermaid
- Binaries added : droid-hal-mermaid-kernel-modules – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-mermaid-tools – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-mermaid-devel – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-mermaid-kernel – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-mermaid – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-mermaid-detritus – 0.0.24-1.4.1.jolla
- [kernel] input: misc: et51x: enable enable-on-boot for first time enrolls to work.
- [kernel] Update kernel from upstream.
- [hybris-patches] Make sure we stop all classes on hybris.shutdown.
- [hybris-patches] reach main init state by setting vold property.
- [hybris-patches] rebase patches.
- [rpm] Fix sources for OBS promotions.
- [hybris-patches] Disable SELinux init.
- [hybris-patches] Remove selinux stubs from servicemanager.
- [rpm] Fix Source0 from spec file for OBS promotion.
- [kernel] Enable HIDP support.
- [kernel] Update kernel from upstream.
- [kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.9.189 level.
- [droid-hal] Move patches and apply-patches.sh to a submodule.
- [kernel] CVE-2019-10538: Fix QualPwn remote vulnerability.
- [kernel] Fix graphics related crashes.
- [kernel] Revert firmware lookup path expansion.
- [kernel] Silence excessive logging.
- [kernel] Upstream updates to Linux 4.9.185 level.
- [rpm] Keep all includes in main rpm.
- [dhd] Move dhd git submodule out of rpm directory.
- [kernel] Enable Multiple port match support for iptables.
- [kernel] Enable mass storage configfs for usb enumeration.
- [kernel] Revert „fuse: don’t mess with blocking signals“ to fix suspend.
- [libhybris] Update libhybris to upstream.
- [selinux_stubs] Update to upstream repository.
- [kernel] Update kernel from upstream.
- [droid-hal] Use symlinks instead of moving sources around.
- [droid-hal] Add rpm packaging for mermaid.
- [hybris-boot] Add Sony Xperia 10 Plus to fixup-mountpoints.
- [kernel] Sony-ganges, mermaid: hybris friendly defconfig.
- [kernel] Switch to hybris-sony-aosp-9.0.0_r37_20190620 branch.
- [droid-hal] Disable init_user0 which is not needed on Mer.
- [droid-hal] Cleanup extra/failed mount points.
- [droid-hal] use sleep infinity in settingsd socket creation.
- [droid-hal] Update dhd submodule. Adapt straggler files.
- [droid-hal] Fix spec and rpm package naming.
- [droid-hal] Separate common spec lines to own file. droid-hal-mermaid-img-boot
- Binaries added : droid-hal-mermaid-img-recovery –, droid-hal-mermaid-img-boot –
- [img-boot] specify correct display path & brightness and update submodule.
- [img-boot] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus.
- [initrd] Separate images to initrd-logos rpm package.
- [initrd] Update upstream git submodule.
- [img-boot] Fix rpm package naming. droid-hal-prjconf-sony-ganges
- Binaries added : droid-hal-prjconf-sony-ganges – 0.0.2-1.1.1.jolla
- [prjconf] Prefer droid-hal-kirin-devel.
- [prjconf] Initial content. droid-hal-version-i3113
- Binaries added : droid-hal-version-i3113 – 0.0.4-1.2.5.jolla, droid-hal-version-i3113-doc – 0.0.4-1.2.5.jolla
- [version] Add support for single sim devices.
- [version] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [version] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [version] initial content. droid-hal-version-i3213
- Binaries added : droid-hal-version-i3213-doc – 0.0.4-1.2.7.jolla, droid-hal-version-i3213 – 0.0.4-1.2.7.jolla
- [version] Add support for single sim devices.
- [version] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [version] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [version] initial content. droid-hal-version-i4113
- Binaries added : droid-hal-version-i4113-doc – 0.0.4-1.2.5.jolla, droid-hal-version-i4113 – 0.0.4-1.2.5.jolla
- [version] Add support for single sim devices.
- [version] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [version] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [version] initial content. droid-hal-version-i4213
- Binaries added : droid-hal-version-i4213 – 0.0.4-1.2.7.jolla, droid-hal-version-i4213-doc – 0.0.4-1.2.7.jolla
- [version] Add support for single sim devices.
- [version] Add support for Xperia 10 Plus dual sim.
- [version] Fix droid-hal package naming.
- [version] initial content. droid-system-kirin
- Binaries added : droid-system-kirin – 0.0.6-1.1.1.jolla
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [system] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [system] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [system] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i3113 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [system] i4113: move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [i4113] add patch for ld.config.28.txt.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) /system contents
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-kirin-i3113
- Binaries added : droid-system-kirin-i3113 – 0.0.6-1.1.1.jolla
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [system] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [system] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [system] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i3113 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [system] i4113: move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [i4113] add patch for ld.config.28.txt.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) /system contents
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-kirin-i4113
- Binaries added : droid-system-kirin-i4113 – 0.0.6-1.1.1.jolla
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [system] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [system] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [system] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i3113 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [system] i4113: move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [i4113] add patch for ld.config.28.txt.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) /system contents
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-mermaid
- Binaries added : droid-system-mermaid – 0.0.6-1.1.1.jolla
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [system] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [system] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [system] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [i4213] add patch for ld.config.28.txt.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i3213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [system] i4213: move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i4213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-mermaid-i3213
- Binaries added : droid-system-mermaid-i3213 – 0.0.6-1.1.1.jolla
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [system] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [system] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [system] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [i4213] add patch for ld.config.28.txt.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i3213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [system] i4213: move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i4213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-mermaid-i4213
- Binaries added : droid-system-mermaid-i4213 – 0.0.6-1.1.1.jolla
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [system] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own system package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [system] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [system] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [i4213] add patch for ld.config.28.txt.
- [helpers] Move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i3213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [system] i4213: move prop.default to device specific rpm.
- [system] i4213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-vendor-kirin
- Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-kirin – 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint binary to support 5 fingerprints.
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint after latest upstream merge.
- [vendor] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [vendor] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [vendor] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i3113 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [vendor] i4113: move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) /vendor contents droid-system-vendor-kirin-i3113
- Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-kirin-i3113 – 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint binary to support 5 fingerprints.
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint after latest upstream merge.
- [vendor] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [vendor] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [vendor] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i3113 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [vendor] i4113: move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) /vendor contents droid-system-vendor-kirin-i4113
- Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-kirin-i4113 – 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint binary to support 5 fingerprints.
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint after latest upstream merge.
- [vendor] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [vendor] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [vendor] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i3113 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [vendor] i4113: move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [i4113] (non-public, non-redist) /vendor contents droid-system-vendor-mermaid
- Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-mermaid – 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint binary to support 5 fingerprints.
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint after latest upstream merge.
- [vendor] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [vendor] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [vendor] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i3213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [vendor] i4213: move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i4213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-vendor-mermaid-i3213
- Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-mermaid-i3213 – 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint binary to support 5 fingerprints.
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint after latest upstream merge.
- [vendor] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [vendor] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [vendor] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i3213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [vendor] i4213: move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i4213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. droid-system-vendor-mermaid-i4213
- Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-mermaid-i4213 – 0.0.7-1.3.1.jolla
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint binary to support 5 fingerprints.
- [sepolicy] Add dbus class.
- [fingerprint] update fingerprint after latest upstream merge.
- [vendor] update to android-9.0.0_r44 with updated fingerprint driver.
- [helpers] Separate build.prop to own vendor package if multiple_rpms has been defined.
- [vendor] Add multiple_rpms define.
- [vendor] Include permission setting only on main package.
- [helpers] Move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i3213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625.
- [vendor] i4213: move VINTF object manifest to device specific rpm.
- [vendor] i4213 update against android-9.0.0_r37-20190625. gdk-pixbuf
- Binaries added : gdk-pixbuf-devel – 2.38.1-1.1.1.jolla, gdk-pixbuf-modules – 2.38.1-1.1.1.jolla, gdk-pixbuf – 2.38.1-1.1.1.jolla, gdk-pixbuf-tests – 2.38.1-1.1.1.jolla
- [gdk-pixbuf] Initial packaging. hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-binder
- Updated : 0.11.0-1.1.1.jolla —
- [hybrisadaptor] Do not activate sensors during initialization
- [sensorfw] Fixed pkgconfig version
- Binaries added : hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-binder-devel – 0.11.0-1.1.1.jolla, hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-binder – 0.11.0-1.1.1.jolla
- [iioadaptor] Allow overriding iioDevices‘ scaling factor
- [iioadaptor] Allow overriding iioDevices‘ scaling factor. Fixes MER#2053
- [rpm] Fix version mismatch by bumping all versions.
- [rpm] Fix version numbering in dependencies.
- [rpm] Add sensorfw-qt5-hybris.inc to spec source.
- [binder] Add binder backend to hybris adaptor.
- [filters] Fix uninitialized variable in declination filter.
- [hybrisadaptor] Add binder backend to hybris adaptor.
- [hybrisadaptor] Rename some functions and variables.
- [compasschain] Change types of the ‚oldHeading‘ and ‚heading‘ variables inside CompassFilter from int to qreal. Fixes MER#2016
- [compasschain] Fix the compass value calculation. Fixes MER#2016
- [packaging] Rename sensorfw-qt5-docs to sensorfw-qt5-doc.
- [sensorfw] Fixed pkgconfig version,
- [config] Rename Config class to SensorFrameworkConfig.
- [hybrisadaptor] Deal with sensor type aliasing changes.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback sensor maxDelay value.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for sensor types.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for select sensors.
- [hybrisadaptor] Refactor sensor start/stop logic
- [hybrisadaptor] Subject sensor type specific actions to common policy
- [logging] Allow printf style logging similarly as qDebug() does
- [config] Fix naming of device specific template file
- [config] Leave some sensors enabled by default.
- [compasschain] Connect interval source to orientation adapter.
- [hybrisadaptor] Convert hal time values to milliseconds.
- [config] Process config.d files in alnum order
- [git] Remove .gitignore
- [hybrisadaptor] Use pthreads for hybris reader
- [logging] Use four distinct logging verbosity levels
- [nodebase] Emit debug logging if stub methods are reached
- [packaging] Fix local sensorfwd RPM builds
- [sensord] Use pipe to trasfer posix signals to mainloop
- [sensorfwd] Tweak plugin loading related logging
- [sensormanager] Add plugin availability config and D-Bus queries.
- [systemd] Make sensorfwd wait for oneshot-root.service.
- [patch] Take patches from LuneOS. Fixes MER#1879
- [cleanup] Remove gyroadaptor-evdevplugin.h.autosave file
- [doc] Make @file tags match the actual filenames
- [PATCH] Implement luna-service integration
- [PATCH] Replace android headers hard-coded include path with pkgconfig
- [PATCH] sensord-daemon-conf-setup: improve check for libhybrissensorfw
- [hybris-adaptors] Select 1st sensor variant for each sensor type.
- [hybris-adaptors] Use wakelock to ensure proximity data io.
- [sensorfw] Add hybrispressureadaptor.
- [sensorfw] Add hybrispressureadaptor. Contributes to MER#1649.
- [sensorfw] Various small fixes to comments, defines and adaptor queries. Contributes to MER#1649.
- [sensord] Use systemd notify instead of forking a daemon.
- [sensord] Do not log successful daemon forks.
- [systemd] Drop BusName from sensorfwd.service.
- [hybris-adaptors] add powerstate_path as parameter to start and stop the sensor
- [hybris-adaptors] add powerstate_path as parameter to start and stop the sensor. Fixes MER#1753
- [hybris-adaptors] check if powerstate_path exists
- [compilation] Workaround missing u64 union in sensors_event_t. MER#1749
- [compilation] Provide fallback SENSOR_TYPE_STEP_COUNTER value. MER#1749
- [documentation] Fix hiccups in documentation comments. MER#1749
- [environment] Do not use pointers from out-of-scope objects. MER#1749
- [hybrisadaptor] Remove unused static function. Fixes MER#1749
- [iioadaptor] Flag unused parameter. MER#1749
- [iioadaptor] Zero initialize udev device pointer. MER#1749
- [libdata] Use value given to LidData constructor. MER#1749
- [rpmbuild] Remove spec file used for Qt4 builds. MER#1749
- [rpmbuild] Use _smp_mflags instead of jobs macro. MER#1749
- [sensorfw] add step counter sensor
- [sensorfwd] Do not call exit() twice when forking a daemon. MER#1749
- [sensorfw] Fix OBS build. Fixes MER#1728
- [sensorfw] iio.h is not used, so remove it. Fixes MER#1710
- [sensorfw] Use a socket env path if set. Fixes MER#1709
- [tests] Avoid warning from ignoring system() return value. MER#1749
- [tests] Fix undefined behavior. MER#1749
- [sensorfw] Create SensorManager after forking. Fixes
- [accelerometer] Fix accelerometer crashing with invalid config.
- [compilation] Fix compilation on glibc 2.23/gcc 6.1.1
- [magnetometer] Fix crash when config is not valid.
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1342. Partial revert of last change. fix standby
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1272 Add start/stop to proximity evdev
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1284 explicitly resume and standby, regardless o?
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1284 explicitly resume and standby, regardless of screen blank.
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1298 switch proxy evdev values
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1223. ignore hybris compass raw sensor
- [sensorfw]
- [sensorfwd] Fixes MER#1170 fix crash in internal compass
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1159 dont package setup script
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1159 move setup file out of rpm dir
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#557 Stop config package and install.
- [sensorfw] Contributes to MER#1001. send errors to clients.
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#1043 Don’t block when stopping sensors.
- [sensorfw] fix error in avgfilter
- [sensorfw] Fix MER#983 revert accel x & y values.
- [sensorfw] Fixes MER#904 Make sure hybris adaptor is being
- [packaging] fix rpmlintrc to pass stricter checks
- [sensorfw] Remove rpmlintrc stuff. Fixes MER#893
- [sensorfw] get compass working Fixes MER#822
- [sensorfw] get compass working Fixes MER#882
- [sensorfw] remove extra line endings in status report
- [sensorfw] Fix hybris compass calibration level.
- [packaging] fix rpmlintrc to pass stricter checks
- [sensorfw] add accel, als, gyro & mag evdev adaptors.
- [sensorfw] let standbyOverride be changed while running
- [sensorfw] bump version to 0.8.7
- [packaging] Add bug reference for automated builds.
- [sensorfw] bump to 0.8.5 for obs
- [sensorfw] detect N9/N950 properly
- [sensorfw] power up/down proximity sensor
- [sensorfw] power up/down proximity sensor on N9
- [rpm] Own sensorfw directories
- [systemd] Start sensord in graphical target instead of basic.
- [build] Make sensorfw build with gcc 4.8.
- [compilation] Fix compilation on glibc 2.19/gcc 4.8
- [sensorfw] Add real calibration level to hybris compass sensor.
- [sensorfw] new property on SensorService
- [sensorfw] make hybris proximity send initial data
- [sensorfw] make hybris proximity send initial data.
- [dconf] Drop usage of gconf and use mlite MGConfItem
- [hybrisadaptor] Fix duplicate sensor open/close bug
- [hybrisadaptor] Remove unused fields/methods in reader class
- [hybrisadaptor] Return invalid handle if sensor doesn’t exist
- [hybrisadaptor] Simplify HybrisManager::processSample
- [mer-hybris] Drop android/ header prefix
- [mer-hybris] Force hybris configuration if hybris libs are installed
- [mer-hybris] Skip initial update if no proximity sensor is found
- [sensorfw] add compasschain to dependencies of rotation sensor.
- [packaging] Fix rpm preun/post/postun scripts.
- [packaging] drop .yaml from packaging.
- [packaging] Fix config packaging a bit to exclude not needed parts.
- [packaging] Fix rpm preun/post/postun scripts.
- [sensorfw] make sure to deactive hybris sensor when needed
- [sensorfw] correct adapted sensor for orientation is orientation.
- [sensorfw] make use of orientation adaptor for compass heading if
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] close file descriptor
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] send initial proximity data for hybris
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] fix up standby resume the adaptors
- [sensorfw] make hybris adaptor work better with suspend and resume modes
- [sensorfw] make sure MceWatcher has current value at start up.
- [sensorfw] try harder to cleanly stop the android reading thread when
- [sensorfw] turn off/on signals according to standbyOverride and
- [sensorfw] Stop using mce for now. Causes regressions.
- [init] sensord should not be started in actdead
- [sensord] Always restart.
- [sensorfw] Actually install the message handler.
- [sensorfw] get rid of mce buildtime requirement
- [sensorfw] add logic to hybris suspend and resume
- [sensorfw] Restore mce configuration.
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] Remove custom logging framework.
- [systemd] Make sure we dbus socket is there when sensord is starting. Al…
- [systemd] Make sure we dbus socket is there when sensord is starting. Also fix some minor service file typos.
- [sensorfw] be sure to specify orientationadaptor for hybris backend
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] fix hybris als plugin name
- [sensorfw] Fix in ALSAdaptor, logging and power.
- [sensorfw] run conf script after installing hybris package
- [packaging] Remove some old dependencies from packaging.
- [sensorfw] bump version to
- [sensorfw] hybris build fix
- [sensorfw] try again to fix hybris build
- [sensorfw] add android-headers. fix hybris build.
- [sensorfw] add android-headers for hybris build deps
- [sensorfw] fix hybris build
- [sensorfw] set primaryuse.conf for hybris based sensors
- [sensorfw] add hybris dependency
- [sensorfw] I guess hybris has no pkgconfig
- [sensorfw] the pkg is called sensord
- [sensorfw] add libhybris dependency
- [sensorfw] be sure to add hybris pro file to build it
- [sensorfw] initial hybris adaptors
- [sensorfw] initial mag and compass chains.
- [sensorfw] use qt5 sensord, lib, qt4 qt-api compat packaging.
- [sensorfw] Also replace the configs package.
- [sensorfw] Don’t build anything but the client library for Qt 5.
- [sensorfw] bump version
- [sensorfw] Fix plugin loading under Qt 5.
- [sensorfw] Remove obsolete debian packaging
- [sensorfw] Remove unnecessary plugin.json.
- [sensorfw] Use Q_OBJECT on all plugin classes to make them loadable.
- [sensorfw] set Provides in spec, to avoid weirdness with obs
- [sensorfw] try and fix obs build. use package name instead of hardcoding.
- [sensorfw] add qmake5_install to spec. bump version
- [sensorfw] Call update-contextkit-providers after installation
- [sensorfw] fix yaml and update spec files
- [sensorfw] move common LIBS stuff to a common file to ease
- [sensorfw] spectacle keeps removing export, so put where it will ignore
- [sensorfw] use name so to be able to use one tarball
- [sensorfw] add sensord-qt5 to provides for package
- [sensorfw] remove provides and obsoletes from qt4-compat package
- [sensorfw] remove mce, change daemon output to syslog/journal
- [sensorfw] fix for qt4 build and qt5 package build
- Add sensorfw-0.7.2-dep-on-gobject.patch to build with new toolchain
- Add ste accelerometer adaptor
- add patches from obs repo into tarball
- added standbyOverride to steaccel. kernel-cmdline
- Binaries added : kernel-cmdline – 1.0.0-1.1.7.jolla
- [kernel-cmdline] New script for modifying kernel cmdline. libcroco
- Binaries added : libcroco-devel – 0.6.13-1.1.1.jolla, libcroco – 0.6.13-1.1.1.jolla
- [libcroco] Initial packaging. libphonenumber
- Binaries added : libphonenumber-doc – 8.10.14-1.1.1.jolla, libphonenumber – 8.10.14-1.1.1.jolla, libphonenumber-devel – 8.10.14-1.1.1.jolla
- [libphonenumber] Package libphonenumber v8.10.14. librsvg
- Binaries added : librsvg-devel – 2.40.20-1.1.1.jolla, librsvg – 2.40.20-1.1.1.jolla, librsvg-tools – 2.40.20-1.1.1.jolla
- [librsvg] Initial packaging. pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl
- Binaries added : pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl – 1.2.0-1.1.1.jolla
- [af] Use correct service interface name.
- [hidl] Implement support for AudioFlinger.
- [hidl] Initial implementation of HIDL module. sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend
- Binaries added : sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend – 0.0.5-1.5.1.jolla
- [suspendplugin] Add support for devices which only need the wowlan suspending.
- [suspendplugin] Improve error handling.
- [suspendplugin] Move udev rules to /lib/udev/rules.d.
- [suspendplugin] Only suspend on wmtWifi devices if not in ap mode.
- [suspendplugin] add TESTMODE suspend command for gen3 wmtWifi drivers.
- [suspendplugin] print an error if neither method of entering the suspend mode worked.
- [suspendplugin] set power save mode on bootup (same as in android).
- [suspendplugin] remove NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_ANY.
- [suspendplugin] fix use of uninitialized variables.
- [suspendplugin] Rework netlink message handling.
- [suspendplugin] Initial content: Allow entering/leaving suspend on devices with /dev/wmtWifi.
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