Get fuel prices from stations around you or by adress in Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Spain.
For feedback and bugs visit: https://github.com/xXSparkeyy/harbour-spritradar
Thanks to ferlanero for the Icon
Application versions:
Version 2.11
- Reordering and Pricesorting of Favourites now possible via a PushUpMenu
- Fixed Backend for IT/FR/ES
- Added Remorse Timer for deleting Favs
Version 2.10:
- Refresh Button on Cover refreshes selected view
- Longpress on mappreview Copies Coordinates to Clipboard
- Added Favourites for austria
- Fixed Station Page of France
- Renamed Gasoline to Diesel
- Dark/Light Ambience for Map preview
- Options to show Favs on Cover Page
- New icon
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