Bouw Sailfish X voor de Sony Xperia X

Kun je niet wachten tot de officiële release van Sailfish X, dan is er nu goed nieuws. Met de instructies op de wiki van Sailfish OS kun je zelf Sailfish X bouwen voor je Sony Xperia X.

De procedure vereist wel enige kennis. Daar waar het zelf installeren van een image al een uitdaging is, gaat dit nog een stap verder. De juiste tooling en kennis van het zelf rooten, bouwen en debuggen is noodzakelijk. Bezint eer ge begint.

Today we are happy to announce our first publicly available Hardware Adaptation sources and instructions for Sailfish X, aka Sailfish OS for Sony Xperia™ X!

This will enable you to create a Sailfish OS image and flash it to your own Sony Xperia™ X. It is targeted to the eager and highly skilled developers in our community to create their own images and even help us out by contributing back to those open sourced HW adaptation repositories, which we in turn shall use for the official Sailfish X images and updates.

If you are a developer in our community who has previously done Sailfish OS ports to other devices, we recommend you to give it a shot. Please carefully follow the instructions we have on and make sure you fully understand them. They will be your ticket to getting the OS working on your Xperia™ X, and if you’re feeling even more adventurous, you should be able to adapt them to run on other Sony’s Open Devices. All of this can be achieved via the guidance of the #sailfishos-porters Freenode IRC channel, say hello there!

The aim throughout this endeavor is to get individuals building a Sailfish OS image and flashing it to their devices, (meaning, trying it out before official releases), enjoying apps from the Jolla Store, and contributing back to HW adaptation improvements.

I would like to thank the tech lead of Sony Open Devices, Alin Jerpelea, for assisting us in this great collaboration opportunity, relentlessly facilitating solutions to ease integration and producing a great, open-source base for our ports.

Please note that working with HADK requires a lot of skill, and naturally you will perform these actions at your own risk. Good luck!

.. and happy hacking,


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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