SailfishOS update 2.0.2 (Aurajoki) vrijgegeven
De noeste werkers in Finland hebben weer een update vrijgegeven van SailfishOS. Hiermee zijn we aangekomen op versie 2.0.2. De versie heeft als naam Aurajoki meegekregen, naar de rivier die door de Finse stad Turku loopt.
Dit is de eerste versie van SailfishOS waar ook officiële ondersteuning voor twee nieuwe toestellen in is opgenomen: de Jolla C en de Intex AquaFish. Vanzelfsprekend zijn ook de eerste Jolla en de Jolla Tablet niet vergeten.
Op de release notes een waslijst aan verbeteringen en veranderingen:
- Wallpapers are always copied to system memory to avoid losing ambiences when removing SD card
- Simplified backup experience
- Backup of local (personal, non-synced) calendar is now possible
- Backups can be made to cloud services (supported for DropBox and OneDrive)
- Open external links to new tabs
- Fixes missing search engines
- Fix missing LTE bands support in Jolla C
Customer specific features
- Fix issues in SMS activation
- Flash can now be used while taking video
- Added reset to default settings option to Camera application
- Improved Camera launch time
Cloud services
- Added support for VK
- Connectivity
- Dual SIM support for devices with Dual SIM
- Migrate Facebook features away from deprecated Graph API 2.0
- 3rd party email API supports attachments
Events view
- ‘Flashlight switch’ for events view Actions and shortcuts
- Five-day weather forecast updates now automatically
- Dropbox gallery integration.
- OneDrive gallery integration.
- Large photos open faster
Home and Lock screen
- Press volume up and down together for 0.5 seconds to create a screenshot
HW adaptation & kernel
- Support for Intex Aqua Fish & Jolla C
- Fix support for certain SD cards that were failing
- Support for Mozilla Location Service positioning assistance, which can use nearby wifi access points and cell towers to help determine your location. This service is not available for Jolla1 and Jolla Tablet.
- Locale specific numbers are now supported around OS
- Common smiley characters supported
- Keyboard layouts and fonts added for Indian languages Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Tamil and Bengali
- Keyboard layout for Greek
- New Russian ruble symbol taken into use
Lock screen
- Setting to add favorite actions and app shortcuts to lock screen pulley menu
- Lock screen transition shortened
- Media controls are hidden if no music is played for 30 minutes
- New layout for front page
- Support for FM Radio (only on devices with FM radio hardware). Big thanks to Matti Lehtimäki (mal-) for writing its middleware plugin!
- Setting to display remaining character counts for text messages (SMS)
- Show MMS download progress
- Allow copying text to clipboard
- Ability to delete and share multiple contacts at once
- Long tap * in dialer for +
- Setting to enable automatic call recording on Jolla C and Aqua Fish
- Faster dialing transition
- SD Card settings for formatting SD cards, and for safely removing them
- Setting to add reboot button on top menu
- Factory reset is not be allowed if battery is under 15%
- Show app version number in Android app settings page
- Storage settings with a simple file manager
- “Flip-to-silence” gesture setting
- Fix issues in Mobile electronic signature
- Untrusted software installation no longer requires Jolla account
UI elements
New Sailfish logo
Meer info op de release notes en changelog pagina’s op
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Dit is de eerste versie van SailfishOS waar ook officiële ondersteuning voor twee nieuwe toestellen in is opgenomen: de Jolla C en de Intex AquaFish. Vanzelfsprekend zijn ook de eerste Jolla en de Jolla Tablet vergeten.
Mist het woordje ‘niet’. Want: Vanzelfsprekend zijn ook de eerste Jolla en de Jolla Tablet vergeten. Is denk ik niet de bedoeling
Thanks! Aangepast.
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