Wat te verwachten in SailfishOS

sailfish-logoJolla heeft op op SailfishOS.org een Development Roadmap gepubliceerd van de vele zaken waaraan momenteel wordt gewerkt in SailfishOS. De roadmap geeft inzage in de korte en middelkorte planning, verdeelt in Q1 2015, Q2 2015 en Q3 2015. Daarnaast is er een verdere verdeling gemaakt in Sailfish UI en Platform. De lijst wordt met enige regelmaat bijgewerkt, al is er niet veel duidelijk over hoe vaak. Wel kunnen we via de lijst zien welke onderdelen in de planning staan, welke reeds zijn gebouwd, maar nog niet gereleased en welke vrijgegeven via SailfishOS updates.

Zo verzameld is het best een indrukwekkende lijst. Zeker als je bedenkt dat er gewerkt wordt aan zowel de ontwikkeling van SailfishOS 2.0 voor de aanstaande tablet als aan verbeteringen voor de Jolla telefoon.

Q1 2015

Sailfish UI


  • Make icons scalable in Sailfish UI to accommodate different resolutions [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Home screen and app layouts to take physical dimensions into account, e.g. larger displays should be able to show more content, graphical effects will be optimized to different display sizes
  • Separate lock screen from home screen to enable flexibility for future user interface development
  • New UI framework
    • improved notifications system
    • richer events view with more widgets and actions
    • home screen interaction improvements with revamped navigation hierarchy
    • new window transitions
    • Lock screen media player controls for native Media app
  • Scale ambiance wallpapers to target display size and aspect ratios
  • Landscape mode in Maps [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Landscape mode in Media player, Calculator for Tablet
  • Additional keyboard layouts to Dutch and Turkish languages [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Define Sailfish UI extension architecture to allow 3rd party to access the platform’s UI modules and extend the OS through the specified integration points


  • New UI framework:
    • Update lock screen layouts
    • Improvements on page and edge transitions, menus and UI performance on tablet
  • Update main view of Gallery app for Tablet
  • Prepare an alpha version of the new Sailfish UI that can be demonstrated on the Tablet at MWC, Barcelona
  • Display disk space used by images, media, backup, app data etc under Settings
  • Private browsing
  • Split keyboard in landscape mode [OS ver. 1.1.4]


  • Landscape mode in pin query dialog and Settings app for Tablet
  • Option to move photos and media from internal memory to SD card
  • User settings to control Android runtime environment
  • Search option in Mail app
  • New UI framework: Settings to configure events view
  • Display notifications for voicemail
  • Prototype separating current browser implementation into two separate windows



  • Tablet specific adaptation
    • Bring bluetooth related fixes to tablet kernel
    • Design and implement filesystem layout
    • USB charging, USB keyboard detection and functioning on the tablet
    • Functional bluetooth, WLAN, sensors, audio and power management
  • Enable disk defragmenting functionality of the eMMC i.e. periodic balancing of the BTRFS file system [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Research encrypted filesystem
  • Upgrade to latest versions of zypper and libzypp to get new features for later (e.g. better pattern support and conflict calculations)
  • Upgrade to Pulseaudio 6.0
  • Drop upower in favour of statefs [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Dual-stack support (ipv4 and ipv6) for cellular connectivity in middleware [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Research SELinux as a solution for system security and application access control
  • Toolchain upgrade to GCC4.8, binutils 2.25, switch to Thumb2+NEON for ARM by default, march=i686 and SSE2 minimum for X86
  • Middleware support for certificate management
  • MCE should signal HW keyboard availability over DBus [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • IMAP idle/push support [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Improvements to packagekit for software update handling [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Flattr support in Jolla Store backend and client
  • sailfishos.org renewal


  • Tablet specific
    • Bluetooth audio configuration
    • Integrate microphone
    • Improve boot up and shutdown time
    • Support for OBEX FTP Bluetooth profile
  • Make the device usable in filesystem full condition to allow the user to recover from it on his/her own
  • Run BTRFS balance operation before attempting to update the OS
  • Update to Facebook API 2.2 [OS ver. 1.1.4]
  • Intel support for Android runtime along with upgrade to version 4.4.4 – alpha version
  • Flattr support in Jolla Harbour
  • Allow checking for OS update even if one is detected


  • Hide virtual keyboard when a hardware keyboard is detected
  • Filesystem cache for SD card to enable safer mount options and prevent filesystem corruption
  • Investigate different ways to change backup target directory (e.g. internal memory vs SD card)
  • Prototype splitting current Browser implementation into two separate windows

Q2 2015

Sailfish UI


  • SIP integration to Accounts
  • Enabler to import .ics and .vcal invites into Calendar app
  • Updates to People and Settings apps to support non-cellular devices
  • Landscape mode for Jolla store client
  • Startup wizard and Tutorial app updates based on the new UI framework
  • Split bluetooth dialogs out of the homescreen
  • Enable USB tethering in the UI


  • New UI framework
    • Comprehensive review of grouped notifications in Events view
    • Polish info and notification banner layouts
    • Set device profile to silent when the ringtone sound setting is set to zero and to general profile for non-zero values
    • Display connection dialog when WLAN is enabled from shortcuts
    • Fix regressions in the phone UI
  • Landscape mode in Calendar app and system/alarm dialogs for Tablet
  • Update visual styles of Sailfish Silica components


Open for addressing critical issues and blockers in the software support for the Tablet



  • Tablet specific:
    • Verify MTP and GPS functionalities on the Tablet
    • Bug fixing in USB, sensors, touchscreen, startup and shutdown areas
    • Device flashing and boot up procedure updates
    • CSD tool functionality
  • Separate cache for OS update downloads
  • Get homescreen to make use of hardware compositor for both performance and battery life benefits
  • Enablers for app development for tablet in the SDK
  • Enablers for supporting tablet in Store
  • Support for SIP and VOIP protocols in voicecall-manager
  • Support for keyboard layouts in QtWayland
  • Finalize prototyped new implementation for Browser
  • Expose QtWayland client orientation + window flags (swipe lock) in SDL2 API
  • Complete the transition from qmsystem2 to nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings and drop qmsystem2
  • Upgrade Python in Nemomobile to 3.4.3
  • Upgrade Python 2 in Mer-Core to 2.7.9
  • sailfishos.org:
    • Restore Sailfish Silica API documentation at the renewed sailfishos.org website
    • Community instance of translation server Pootle


  • Enablers to support tablet in Jolla Harbor
  • Display ‘My apps’ listing based on the device (i.e apps installed on phone vs on the Tablet)
  • Support for using Tablet serial number for identification in Jolla Account
  • View devices in use in Jolla accounts webpage
  • Download OS update in the background
  • Enable open VPN support on the OS
  • Intel support for Android runtime along with upgrade to version 4.4.4 – beta version


Open for addressing critical issues and blockers in the software support for the Tablet

Q3 2015

Sailfish UI

  • Split screen views within an app
  • Album support in Gallery app
  • Share multiple photos from Gallery app
  • Handle calendar invites in Mail
  • Option to save images captured by the Camera directly into the SD card


  • Enable certificate management in the UI
  • Investigate WiDi/Miracast on the Tablet
  • UPNP/DLNA integration
  • Investigate dropping connectivity agent and merging functionality with connman or QML plugins
  • Investigate possibility for the platform to have only one file indexer
  • Investigate merging commhistoryd and contactd
  • WPA Enterprise support
  • Allow retaining user data when the user resets the device to factory defaults


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van JollaNL.org. Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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