Jolla Angry Birds Stella Limited Edition!

Stella_salesboxJolla heeft gisteren de Jolla Angry Birds Stella Limited Edition geïntroduceerd. Deze speciale bundel bestaat uit de Jolla met een Angry Birds Stella Other Half, achtergronden, geluiden en ToonsTV.

“Jolla gets a funky, feathered makeover with a limited edition Jolla Angry Birds Stella! It comes packed with an exclusive Angry Birds Stella experience, including the Stella wallpaper, unique Stella ringtones and ToonsTV, all included!

Stream full ToonsTV episodes whenever you want – just swipe from the edge of the screen to start watching. ToonsTV is all free and available anytime. It’s like you’re right there on Golden Island! Enjoy the speedy experience of Sailfish OS user interface, and specially designed Angry Birds Stella wallpaper and sounds. All you need is a sense of adventure!”

Available in approx *30 minutes* from for 249€
Order by 8th of February for Valentine’s Day delivery!



Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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