Volgende SailfishOS update uitgesteld tot juni
Jolla heeft besloten om de geplande update 6, welke eigenlijk al een week geleden werd verwacht, samen te voegen met update 7. De gecombineerde update staat gepland voor begin juni.
Since the last update, we have worked on enhancing our releasing process to optimise development and integration of software. It has paid off and brought update 7 to testing earlier than expected. Weighing the pros vs cons, we have decided to directly release update 7, bringing you even more features and fixes. We believe it is the right decision.
Met andere woorden, we moeten allemaal even iets langer wachten. Gelukkig is er wel meer duidelijkheid over wat we in de update kunnen verwachten aan nieuwe features:
- 4G support for all users (requires 4G SIM card) https://together.jolla.com/question/2135/enable-4g-lte/
- New events view sub-page for displaying Facebook notifications https://together.jolla.com/question/590/show-facebook-feed-in-notifications-instead-of-opening-a-browser/
- Folder support in app launcher area https://together.jolla.com/question/291/folder-support-in-app-launcher/
- Google contacts 2-way sync https://together.jolla.com/question/9444/bug-contacts-people-app-does-only-add-to-local-contacts-database/
- Personalise shortcuts on lockscreen pull-down menu https://together.jolla.com/question/564/personalization-of-the-pulley-menu-in-lock-screen/
- File picker and real tabs support in browser https://together.jolla.com/question/321/file-picker-needed/ https://together.jolla.com/question/373/tab-reloading-browser-settings/
- Support for traditional and simplified Chinese Handwriting Recognition in virtual keyboard https://together.jolla.com/question/1504/provide-simplifiedtraditional-chinese-handwriting-input-method/
- Option to clear browser history only https://together.jolla.com/question/8233/browser-how-to-clear-the-browsing-history/
- “Do not track” option under Browser settings
- Clean cookies from browser
- Support for additional Bluetooth profiles: PBAP and HID https://together.jolla.com/question/274/pbap-bluetooth-profile-support-is-requested/
- Enable quick scrolling feature in Sailfish views https://together.jolla.com/question/1154/no-way-to-quickly-navigate-through-a-long-list/
- Quick access to Sailfish OS updates in Settings
- New accounts for popular calDAV providers: Yahoo!, MemoToo, Fruux, ownCloud (experimental) https://together.jolla.com/question/534/support-for-caldav-based-calendars-eg-google-calendar/
Bron: Next OS update in early June
1 reactie
[…] gebruikers maandelijks voorzien van updates. Hoewel dit nu voor de maand mei niet gaat gebeuren (Volgende SailfishOS update uitgesteld tot juni), heeft men ook aangegeven dat er in juli een korte break wordt ingesteld in dit schema. Een heel […]