€40 korting op je Jolla

Via de Sailfish mailinglist valt te lezen dat Jolla, in het kader van FOSDEM 2014, €40,- korting geeft op aankoop van een Jolla via shop.jolla.com.

Dear developers,

FOSDEM 2014 [1] is just around the corner! Even though we didn’t plan on having an official presence at the event with a booth etc., several Jolla sailors have made their own arrangements to be in Brussels this weekend. For the love of community, and the love of open source! (and perhaps the Belgium waffles, fries and beers…)

In conjunction with this great event, and to show our appreciation for our wonderful Jolla community and Sailfish developers, we are offering a special discount. For a very limited time, you can get 40 EUR off when you purchase a Jolla from our webshop [2].

The discount code is “FOSDEM2014”, and here’s the fine (as in well-written, not small and hidden print:

* Each customer can use the coupon code just once
* Discount applies only to one phone in cart
* This offer cannot be combined with any other offer
* Coupon validity from NOW until 9.2.

If you can’t be at FOSDEM (like myself), you can still enjoy the special offer. Gift yourself or a loved one a Jolla! And if you are on your way to Brussels, don’t miss Carsten’s talk on Saturday @ 15:00 [3], followed by Sailfish community round-table @ 16:30 and Sailfish community dinner @ 19:30 [4]!

Happy Chinese New Year and greetings from Taipei,

Dus, heb je nog geen toestel en wil je er wel eentje kopen met korting? Dit is je kans!



Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van JollaNL.org. Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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