Jolla pre-order nieuws

Jolla heeft zojuist een e-mail gestuurd met informatie voor pre-orderklanten. Heel goed om iedereen die nog niet in staat is zijn/haar bestelling af te ronden gerust te stellen. De complete inhoud staat hieronder:

Hi Jarno,

We are pleased to inform all our Jolla pre-booking customers that you will soon receive instructions on how to complete your order via our webshop. Upon completing your order, you will receive more information about shipping and delivery.

Starting from 22 November 2013, invitations will be sent to enter the webshop where you can complete the purchase of your Jolla. Invitations will be sent according to priority order to all pre-booking customers from the EU, Norway and Switzerland. No separate priority number will be sent, seeing as the order ID (order number) determines the priority of your order.

In order to secure your priority delivery during December, please make sure you have completed your purchase by 2 December, 2013. Delivery times after this date cannot be guaranteed or will vary. Please note that your pre-booking is still valid until 30 June, 2014.
Should you have any questions regarding you pre-booking, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best regards,


Geduld is een schone zaak…


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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